Knowing the Demon King's Presence in the Village, Yet Heading to the Village Regardless

Lureia realized she was now an orphan.

The Forest Spirit Necklace serves as the second tier of identity verification for elves. Only when the elf and the necklace are in harmony can one enter and exit the Spirit Forest, earning its recognition. Elves, despite their ability to harness holy light, have limited offensive capabilities, to the point of being weaker than dwarves.

This double verification system was the World Tree's way of safeguarding the elven territory, rooted deep within the Elven Forest.

Being unable to return home must feel like this.

Lureia let out a deep sigh.

She regretted her decision to sneak out.

Five years! How was she to spend these five years?

While her savings could easily support a five-year stay in

a five-star hotel, afterwards, she could approach Xia Mi to reclaim her necklace.

But staying in a hotel for five years would mean she'd become a shut-in elf.

More importantly, school would start in three months. She couldn't afford to be away for five years!

She had sneaked out of the Elven Forest during the school's summer break. If she didn't return on time, Professor Nico would surely inform her parents. If her grades weren't up to par, she might not graduate.

The mere thought of failing to graduate, being left behind by her peers, and not finding a job made Lureia purse her lips in distress.

She would be without an income.

Would she have to rent out the dozen or so properties her family owned, becoming a landlady without a job?

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Lureia's head.

She could stay by the side of that pretty-boy heir to the Demon King and act opportunistically.

Firstly, by staying close to the Demon King, she'd be the first woman privy to his every move.

She could learn his weaknesses and habits, gather information, and become the person who knows the Demon King best. When the time comes for the heroes to confront the Demon King, even with her modest magical capabilities, she could join the heroes' party as the "Maiden Seer."

Secondly, since the news of the new heir to the Demon King's power was only announced today, Xia Mi was likely just a little stronger than her.

By staying close, perhaps one day, when he rewards himself excessively and becomes weak, she could take him on, reclaim her necklace, and earn the title of "Solo Slayer of the Demon King's Heir." Who needs heroes?


Lureia instinctively puffed out her chest.

She was recognized as the most beautiful young elf of her generation. While she might not have the curves of some of the older elves, she was... Decent.

She refused to believe that if she stayed close to Xia Mi, he could resist her charms.

He might resist her natural charm, but what about when she adds a touch of magic?

Could he resist her collection of thigh-high socks, white tube socks, black stockings, and fishnet stockings?

When he's bewitched by her seduction, wouldn't retrieving her necklace be a piece of cake?

Furthermore, by staying close, Xia Mi would be more likely to reward himself.

The third plan supports the second one. It's foolproof!

Lureia saw endless possibilities.

Yes, that's the way to do it!

The blonde elf drew a magical sign with her fingers, which flew in a certain direction.

This was the tracking mark she had left on Xia Mi, very discreet.

The city of Eden in the Kingdom of Phis. He seemed to live there.

Kicking a stone on the ground, Lureia ceased her restless hair-twirling and headed to Eden City.

She seemed to have completely forgotten her timidity in the Demon King's dungeon and was filled with a bubbly enthusiasm once more.


Illy Village.

Lying on the wooden bed in his villager's hut, Xia Mi was sorting through his recent acquisitions when he suddenly sneezed. Dismissing it, he dived back into his own world.

The Demon King's status panel.

[Name: Xia Mi]

[Race: Demon]

[Occupation: Heir to the Demon King]

[Status: Meditating]

[Level: 2]

After recovering the Demon King's inheritance from the castle, he gained 100 experience points, elevating him to level 2.

However, the main quest hadn't refreshed yet, so he didn't have a clear task for the moment.

Xia Mi then focused on the three items he had acquired.

The first was the [Heart of the Demon King's Fortress].

[Name: Heart of the Demon King's Fortress]

[Type: Item]

[Quality: Supreme]


1. Enter the Demon Castle Core to modify the internal structure of the Demon Castle.

2. Deploy the Demon Castle Core. Choose a spacious location, place the Demon Castle Core, and construct the core base belonging to the Demon King, allowing other demons to inhabit it and form a demonic territory. (Once the Demon Castle Core is rooted, it is challenging to move it again, so please choose the location carefully.) ]

In simpler terms, it was the core of every Demon Castle. Only by possessing it can one build a castle that obeys the Demon King, skipping steps like laying a foundation and construction.

Xia Mi didn't rush to choose any of the options.

Placing the Demon Castle Core was definitely not practical at the moment. It would attract too much attention.

He was a penniless Demon King at present; placing the core of the Demon Castle would surely expose his location, wouldn't it? Being able to enter the Demon Castle Core meant he could directly modify it to construct a Demon Castle with the functionalities he wanted.

Constructing and deploying the Demon Castle was not a task that could be completed overnight. It was wiser to first understand everything he owned before making a decision.

The second item was the [Demon King's Ring], which stores non-living items and has a vast capacity.

[Name: Demon King's Ring]

[Type: Item]

[Quality: Supreme]

[Function: Used to store non-living items. Has a vast capacity.]

[Note: Please upload your fingerprint and corneal information promptly to complete personal authentication.]

Following the instructions of the Demon King Ring, Xia Mi uploaded his demon information, equivalent to uploading his spiritual power, preventing others from opening this spatial ring.

[Prompt: Identity authentication completed.]

Xia Mi then shifted his attention inside the ring. After taking out the [Heart of the Demon King's Fortress] and the [Monster Codex], the only things left inside the Demon King's Ring were a note and six nondescript rings.

The note read: "The previous Demon King left me with a fortune equivalent to three mountains. I've spent a lot. Originally, I wanted to leave tons of gold, equipment, books, and scrolls for you. But during the standoff with the hero, I used it all to recruit and prepare my forces. Now only these six rings, which I couldn't gift to anyone, remain. It's something, at least. Do your best, next Demon King! And remember to leave something for the one after you! — 71st Demon King Luwaka."

"Darn it!"