
Fine, I'll just pretend that I fed these meat to the pigs today.

After failing to extract any more useful information from the flat-screened elf, there was no longer any reason for Xia Mi to stay.

"It's getting really late..."

Xia Mi sighed, slowly got up, and glanced at the room's clock. It was already 11 pm. He had plans to visit the city the next day to find out what exactly was going on.

However, in the eyes of a certain elf, his slow movements seemed to indicate a growing tension.

"Wait, Xia Mi! Even if we are in a relationship based on mutual secrets, you can't just act recklessly! Using the body to solidify our bond is a lowly excuse! How disgraceful for a prospective Demon King! Stop, that's too shameless!"

Thinking of the pile of balloon-like objects on the bedside table, Lureia covered her nonexistent chest with both hands, kicked her legs, and retreated to the head of the bed.

"What on earth are you thinking?"

It seemed like the blonde flat-screened elf's head was filled with nothing but junk.

Without any hesitation, Xia Mi walked towards the door and left.

"Hey, wait..."

Seeing Xia Mi completely ignoring her, Lureia gritted her teeth in annoyance.

How could he disregard the charm of a beautiful young girl like this?

Was she really lacking in womanly charms?


The next morning, Lureia woke up from her bed, stretched comfortably, and lifted her clothes slightly to reveal her smooth stomach with a hint of toned muscles.

After Xia Mi left, she set up a protective spell, which remained undisturbed throughout the night. The soundproofing was excellent, and she slept soundly till dawn.

The exhaustion from traveling for three days was completely gone after a good night's rest.

Lureia opened the balcony door, stepped out, and took a deep, satisfying stretch. Unlike the Elven Forest, the human world lacked spiritual energy, but the early morning brought a unique vitality to everything around.

The fresh morning air felt invigorating. Her pointed ears couldn't help but twitch in delight.

"The village is so pleasant to stay in~"

Lureia's lips curled up slightly, her gem-like eyes sparkling brilliantly as she admired the morning scenery of the village.

The gentle sunlight, the lush green trees, the crisp air, and... A humanoid squatting in the bushes, facing away from her, relieving itself.


The balcony door was closed.

Why was there a humanoid directly relieving itself in the bushes? The air must be contaminated now! She had inhaled it deeply! Was that a monkey? Its features were unbelievably abstract!


Inside a villager's house in the village.

Xia Mi was about to use the "Demon King's Warp" to visit Eden City, the nearest city to Illy Village.

However, his casting was interrupted by a sudden knock.

"Xia Mi! Xia Mi!" Lureia's voice was filled with urgency.

He opened the door.

"Quickly check if I have a stye!" As soon as Lureia saw Xia Mi, she hurriedly moved her face close to his.

Her gem-like green eyes were clear and pure.

"No. What happened?" Xia Mi tilted his head slightly to avoid direct contact with her face.

"I saw something dirty!"

"A ghost?"

Lureia shook her head seriously. It was far more terrifying than a ghost! A humanoid ape, dressed in clothes, was relieving itself with its back to her. Its features were more abstract than a crayon drawing she made when she was three.

"It's even scarier than a ghost! Indescribable! Do you have any demonic techniques that can make elves forget? Use it on me! I feel tainted! My eyes hurt! It feels like my spirit has been contaminated."

"Calm down. Let's first find a time machine... Wait, I got roped in by your nonsense! I don't have such a skill! What on earth are you doing?"

The flat-screened elf had completely woken Xia Mi up.

"I encountered a terrifying creature. I wonder if you know of it? If you do, please tell it to stay away. It shouldn't be relieving itself outside someone's balcony early in the morning. It's ruined my day."

Lureia used her spiritual energy to draw a rough sketch of the humanoid on the ground. Just recalling that one frame of the humanoid looking back at its droppings made her shiver.

Xia Mi frowned. He hadn't created any creatures yet, so how could one appear now? And the face looked vaguely familiar.

"How could I possibly know this creature? It's probably just a monkey... They often wander into the village from the nearby banana forest. If you're alright, please leave. I have important things to do."

Lureia shook her head and went inside Xia Mi's house, "No way, it's too scary. That creature would terrify me so much that I wouldn't be able to cast any spells. I'll set up a protective spell for you, and then I'll stay here for the day."


Looking behind him, Xia Mi saw that Lureia had already seated herself and didn't seem to be planning to leave. A shimmering protective spell emanated from her and spread across the room.

It was strange to think of an elf casting a protection spell for the Demon King.

"But I have to go to Eden City now."

"Eh? Eden City is quite far from here." Lureia's last portal was near Eden City, "What are you going there for?"

"To gather some information."

Xia Mi didn't intend to concern himself with Lureia anymore. She had already seen something she shouldn't have, so showing her a bit more wouldn't hurt.

He activated "Demon King's Warp" right in front of her, and a portal, swirling with demonic energy, appeared in the room.

Lureia's mouth dropped open in shock, and she quickly moved to Xia Mi's side.

"My goodness, a portal created using individual power! No wonder you could return from the Demon King's castle so quickly."

Judging from Lureia's astonishment, this seemed like a formidable ability.

"You really are the Demon King, aren't you? Only the Demon King has the ability to create portals. For other races, only the pinnacle individuals can create portals using personal power. The major human cities have public portals maintained by many resources."

"Thank you for the background information."

"No, I'm just a villager. It's pretty normal for a villager to know some teleportation, right?"

"Absolutely not!"

"If you stay in my room, I'll be back in a while," Xia Mi entered the portal.

"No way, I'm coming too."

How could Lureia miss out when the heir to the Demon King was heading to the city for intel?

She followed him into the portal.


Eden City.

A major city located in the eastern part of the Phis Kingdom, one of the few eastern cities with a public portal. The city was vast, from legitimate businesses to illicit smuggling, from the adventurer's guild to brothels, from the royal family's control to underground gangs, its influence radiates out to surrounding towns and villages.