The Thoughts of the Elf Maiden

"If you would just keep your mouth shut, I'd feel a lot better."

Xia Mi couldn't stand the relentless chatter of the blonde elf any longer and couldn't help but retort.

With Lureia's assistance, he found himself under a tree, his stomach rumbling loudly.

This kind of physical training really drained his energy, leaving him with an unprecedented sense of hunger.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?"

Lureia looked at him with concern.

"I only did two sets of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run."

"You describe your self-imposed punishment in such detail; it must indeed be a deeply etched memory..."

"Just what are you going on about!?"

Xia Mi's mouth twitched in exasperation.

He wasn't exaggerating!

Seeing Xia Mi leaning against a tree, covered in sweat and barely able to keep his eyes open, Lureia grew alarmed.

"Hey, you're not dying, are you? What about my necklace if you die..."