Where's the Celebration Party I'm Looking Forward to?


In the inn, a room.

Lureia paced back and forth, frequently stepping onto the bed in her impatience.

By 11 p.m., the protective magic that enveloped the room remained unperturbed. Unable to contain herself any longer, Lureia knelt down on the bed. "Isn't there always a celebratory segment at this time? After helping to fend off the great pirates, the entire country would host a banquet celebrating the adventurers. After defeating invading ninjas, the main group would gather for warm ramen. Xia Mi, why haven't you brought over the grilled meat yet?"

Ever since her bath at 7 p.m., the blonde-haired girl had been eagerly anticipating this moment.

She imagined Xia Mi would bring the grilled meat, and she would provide fruit wine from the Elven Forest. Together, they'd laugh and celebrate their victory over Cash, all while deepening their bond.

However, she hadn't caught even a glimpse of Xia Mi.