White Hair, Young Girl, Past Events

The white-haired girl sobbed uncontrollably in Xia Mi's embrace. Left with no other choice, Xia Mi could only watch helplessly as the once comfortable affection points from the golden-haired elf beside him plummeted from 50 to a mere 10.

Back to square one.

All the efforts of these past days were in vain!

Now, not only did he not understand how to raise the affection points of the elves, or why a grilled meat meal increased affection more than a battle, the reason for the decrease in affection remained a mystery as well.

Indeed, you are complex, flat-chested golden-haired elf.

With a quick sigh, Xia Mi gazed at the white-haired girl before him.

By now, the girl had stopped crying. She wiped away her tears with a dirty hand, slowly lifting her reddened, indigo eyes to meet Xia Mi's, seemingly waiting for him to speak.

What could Xia Mi say?