Words Spoken in the Night

"My what a formidable dancer you are, not many ladies can keep up with me." The prince smirked at her.

"I love the waltz more than most, I'm sure I will always keep up." She sighed, smiling at him.

"I need some air, it's awfully hot in here, care to join me princess? Or would you rather retreat to your chambers?" He said as he cocked his head to the side.

"How could I refuse such an eloquent request?" Isabella quipped, as another butterfly sensation circled her stomach.

He offered his arm to her, and she took a hold of it. They walked toward the garden exit together as the remaining couples began to leave the hall. The moonlight lit the garden features outside the hall, a calm breeze blew over the trees rustling the leaves.

The prince immediately removed his jacket, placing it over Isabella's shoulders. Isabella smiled up at him, their eyes meeting in the silence of the night.

"Thank you, I had a lot of fun dancing with you tonight, my lord." She barely whispered.

"The pleasure is all mine princess." The Prince replied softly. " The King said that you enjoy art? I was wrong to be so presumptuous in our first meeting."

"It is my duty to be well versed in all aspects of literature, but I do quite enjoy art, yes." she replied, "I know there have been many differences between our kingdoms, I anticipated that not all meetings would be as pleasant as could be."

"Verdesaint is not what I expected, I will admit, but still that doesn't change the fact that there are so many disputes that need to be settled. Verdesaint is very greedy in its demands. You are already one of the most powerful kingdoms of the realm and yet you still demand more." Alexander raised his voice slightly as his frustration grew. "Our people do not even make it to the palace to request a meeting with his majesty, before being turned away. So I had to sneak in and remain humble to request the meeting on behalf of my King and Queen, as if I am some messenger boy instead of being treated with the respect any other crowned prince would."

"Of course, that's what a Prince of Arcoi would think. We do not demand anything, the territories we have been fighting over have belonged to Verdesaint for millennia, but Arcoi insist on putting unjustified claims to land that does not belong to them." She countered, feeling her own frustration start to build. " Maybe this was a mistake, I think you should leave."

"A moment ago you thanked me for the dance, and now you are asking me to leave. Princess or not, women are all the same." Alexander rolled his eyes at her. " Goodnight princess, thank you for this evening. I bid you farewell."

With that he left her outside to reflect as he left the Verdesaint palace. Isabella flinched as she recalled her own harsh reaction to his words, the prince clearly was getting frustrated and she wanted to defend her kingdom.

The rash parting left her feeling guilty and saddened, not only did she upset the prince, but she failed her parents in keeping peace tonight. She rose from the garden bench they had sat on together and made her way to her own chamber to rest.

A hot bath was already drawn and ready for her to relax in. She sank into the warm water after slipping out of her gown, recalling the lovely dance she had shared with the prince. Why did they have to fight each time either of them spoke? She sighed again as the steam caressed her face.

She loved the way they danced, she could tell he was strong and athletic from the way he held her, and from how long they had danced at such a fast pace. Isabella felt like she should make it up to the prince on their next meeting in Arcoi. Her heart fluttered thinking of what the kingdom of Arcoi held in store for her.

Although she was a Princess, she was always kept within the palace, studying literature or practicing to be as graceful as her mother. The excitement of leaving the palace had her kick her legs, splashing drops of water across the floor.

She peered over the tub looking at the mess, before washing up and climbing out and into bed. She peered at the Prince's jacket, she would have to have it returned as soon as possible.

Prince Alexander sat in his carriage as they returned back to the kingdom of Arcoi. His cousin and closest friend Prince Lucian sat across from him. The horses trotted along the path as the rain pattered against the roof.

The smell of whiskey and smoke from the cigars wafted from his suit making him feel sick. He reflected on how he spoke to the princess, regretting how he let his guard down when they had danced, only to have her ask him to leave.

His pride had already taken a blow sneaking into the party and requesting to see the king like a peasant, he should have expected her to treat him that way once she found out who he was. He thought that she looked so lovely in her lavender gown, her wispy brown hair circling her heart shaped face and her hazel eyes that twinkled each time he spun her around the hall.

He had hoped that those twinkling eyes would have held some affection for him, but he was wrong.

"You should be happy with the King accepting our invitation, but since you danced with that Princess you have been extremely irritable. You practically flew out the palace. The Queen may take offense at your lack of courtesy to greet her." Prince Lucian scolded him, his own eyes icy blue. "You even left your jacket, they will probably incinerate it!"

"Yes, well, for a moment I thought the princess had a bit of common sense, but like all the other women I have met she is truly hot-headed." Alexander grunted with displeasure.

"We didn't travel all this way for some princess, we came here to resolve the trading route conflict. We could be flourishing far more than we are if we could clear the trading routes." Lucian reminded him. "And there are so many more issues at hand that we will address when the King comes to meet with us."

"You're right as always, Lucian, that's why you're my right hand man." He gazed out the window. "Besides, she probably has no clue on the politics outside her own kingdom. I can't expect her to understand."

"She is sharp, I watched her observe the nobles in the hall, you best stay clear of her, she could be trouble in future." Lucian tapped his finger on the window. "It will be troublesome for her to visit Arcoi, but it would be even more complicated to revoke the invitation now. I will keep a close eye on her when they arrive."

"Nonsense, she is just a silly woman. Although very beautiful, she is a princess, she dolls up and has fun dancing. I am interested to hear her thoughts on the art we have on display in our grand hall." he thought out loud, immediately regretting his words.

"She is the Princess of Verdesaint, you best get your head right, I don't know what she said to you but it is most likely a ploy to overthrow Arcoi. Continue on this course and I will have a word with Queen Helene." Prince Lucian lectured sternly.

"That won't be necessary, if you remember, the Princess asked me to leave, she probably won't even show up." Alexander countered. "Let's just get to the Palace already, I am exhausted."