Strained Alliances and Artistic Preparations

Princess Isabella met with her Lapidary instructor, Lady Nuria, to prepare for the Exhibition. Lady Nuria had made contact with several artisans, of which many declined. The artisans felt they were wasting their time and efforts in Arcoi, only a few agreed to come because they had nothing else to work on at the time.

Lady Nuria had a few ideas on showcasing raw gemstone that should be hand carved throughout the exhibition, and just before the closing ceremony it should be completed and displayed. Princess Isabella loved the idea, but her own heart still felt heavy as she was torn between the impending betrayal, which in turn made her less enthusiastic.

Isabella suggested that some of the artisans offer lessons to passing folk, although brief lessons may encourage more artists, but even so it will teach them to appreciate the art more as they can see the effort and time it takes to make such stunning statues.

Pleased with the meeting's outcomes they disbanded and made the final preparations to leave the next day.

The Royals of Verdesaint and their attendants spent an entire day traveling to the palace of Arcoi. Princess Isabella was thankful that she was permitted to bring Lady Sophia along, as her father was hellbent on her being accompanied at all times.

Sophia had spent most of the time throwing glances at the quiet princess, she knew better than to ask what was going on in company. Eventually Sophia decided to grasp Isabella's hand and squeeze it tightly before they arrived at the palace.

The large silver gates were opened upon their arrival, Isabella glanced out the window as they passed through the Arcoi gardens and towards their temporary housing within the palace.

Lady Sophia helped Isabella out of the carriage, they both spent time stretching as servants began unpacking and sorting the luggage. Sophia grabbed Isabella's hand and pulled her toward the garden for some privacy.

"You have barely spoken a word to me since you met with the King, what was the meeting about?" Sophia pried with concern for her friend.

"He asked me to tell him everything the Prince says like a spy." Isabella whispered.

"Is that all? So why are you so upset about that?" She asked, puzzled.

"I don't want to be that kind of person, I wanted to build a friendship, I thought I could bring our kingdoms together through friendship and form an Alliance, but the way my father spoke, he would never want such a thing. He clearly only wants to find the weaknesses of Arcoi and overthrow this kingdom. If I didn't know any better I'd say he wants a war with Arcoi." Isabella felt the tears well up in her eyes. She breathed deeply, calming herself.

"I understand that Princess, but what if the Prince never discusses things like that with you?" Sophia stroked her back affectionately.

"What do you mean? If I were to befriend him, surely he would tell me some of the things happening in the kingdom, wouldn't he?" she asked sniffling.

"Well, maybe, but what if you acted uninterested, or interrupted him and changed the subject. That way he wouldn't get the chance and then you would have nothing to report about, and you wouldn't be in any dilemmas." Sophia offered.

"You think that would work?" she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"It's worth a shot, stay true to yourself, we are here for fun, right?" Sophia offered a smile.

"We are, so let's have fun." Isabella smiled and hugged her friend.

The two of them wandered into the temporary housing that they would stay in for the next few days, the artisans would be staying in the Arcoi city and not within the palace, and were only due to arrive the next day to start setting up for the exhibition. Isabella and Sophia explored each room, they marveled at the rooms that were painted by hand, each wall a beautiful scene of art.

Isabella stared at the one wall, a waterfall scene was painted, the closer Isabella got the more detail she noticed, the vast array of blue's making up the stream, the tiny shrubs and blades of grass intricately painted one for one. She was completely amazed by the level of detail the picture had, and it was by far the biggest mural she had come across with such fine art work.

Sophia pulled at her hand, dragging her to the main hall, there was a welcome spread laid across a banquet table. Chocolates, flowers and wondrous treats all presented in mouth watering ways. A servant of Arcoi stood on attention and began presenting the two of them tray after tray of delectable desserts.

The two giggled with delight as they tasted the rich chocolate mousse drizzled with sour berry syrup. There was a luxurious sofa in the center of the room, lavish pillows of more wondrous colors of red and blue scattered across the sofa, the two of them cautiously headed toward the sofa to relax as they savored their treats.

"Princess Isabella!" Sir Edmund scolded. "You know better than to sit wherever you please! And even more so, where are you manners! You should be eating at a table, not slobbering over your plate on a sofa!"

The two of them jumped up muttering apologies as Sir Edmund escorted them to a dining table in the next room. The room had a long and wide dining table with enough seating for at least 20 people. The two of them took their seats and quietly ate their desserts.

"No fair! It's not our fault they placed those delicious treats, and so close to those comfy couches, what did they expect! It was a trap." Sophia finally protested. Isabella smiled at her friend, she thought the same thing, but Sophia had the gall to say it unlike Isabella.

"You both were raised in the palace yet you both act so childishly." Edmund sighed. "I don't know where we failed you."