Tangled Alliances and Hidden Agendas

"Oh that is so wonderful, I am a bit tired, I am not used to traveling as this is my first time outside our palace, but I will at the very least accompany the prince around the palace." Isabella replied, hoping her father would be happy with her answer. She knew that she would get an earful later either way.

"Very well, we will see how it goes." The Queen smiled charmingly. She gestured for the servers to begin the meal, Isabella began to feel nervous as she looked before her, realizing that this was an eleven course meal.

The server placed the first plate down before her, shrimp canapes and oysters, she sighed in relief, she loved seafood. Then came the second plate cream of barley soup, it was rich and creamy, the warmth of the dish making her feel more bubbly. Next was the third course.

They served her poached Salmon with mousseline sauce; she preferred her salmon raw rather than cooked. Everyone had eaten in silence up until then, Princess Isabella knew better than to speak when not spoken to.

"Queen Helene, the first three courses have been appetizing. Please send our compliments to the chef." her father forced the compliment out of his mouth.

The main course arrived, filet mignon with a side of asparagus and baby carrots. The cut was perfectly juicy, the vegetables flavorful and firm. Princess Isabella had felt her stomach reach its limit, but she smiled as she continued to force down the remaining courses.

The only sound made was that of the cutlery lightly touching the crockery, with the occasional ding as a glass was put down. Isabella glanced around the room between courses, Prince Alexander was minding his manners sitting beside her quietly eating.

Surely the awkward dinner was affecting him as well. Another man sat alongside him, she could only assume that that was Prince Lucian, as he was another Royal member of the Arcoi that the queen had mentioned. She couldn't see him very well, but she could see he had slightly lighter hair than Alexander's short, dark-brown hair.

Alexander looked her way as if noticing her stolen glimpse, he smiled sweetly, his blue eyes twinkled happily, before he indicated that a server top up her drink. She smiled politely, thanking him before taking a sip.

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled as she felt a piercing glance from across the table, she looked up to find her father's furious gaze staring at her. She swallowed hard, putting her hands in her lap, defeated. The five of them continued to eat in silence until the meal was over.

"Thank you for joining us, the staff will prepare meals for you in your accommodation for the remainder of the stay, save the last night, you will be joining us for a farewell feast." the Queen announced, as she dismissed us all. "Prince Alexander, please escort our lovely guests. King Alaric, I will meet with you again tomorrow to continue our discussion on the trading routes."

"Very well your majesty, I look forward to our meeting." her father said through gritted teeth.

Prince Alexander helped Isabella from her chair, offering his arm to her as he did so many times before, and she took a hold of it as she had accepted it just as she had every time before. She could feel the hairs on her neck prickle with her father's disapproval, but for now she could use Alexander's presence to shield her from his anger.

They strode in further silence, only the soft chirping of crickets and small birds could be heard as they strode back to their temporary home. Isabella loved the night sky, the stars were bright and the moon radiant.

They reached their chambers and the prince bowed before them thanking them for joining the meal, and that he would come in the morning to escort Isabella for her tour as per the Queen's orders. He left and they went inside, the King grabbed her by the arm steering her to a study to talk.

"I wish I could throw the tables over!" The king raised his voice in anger. "You are practically making their case for them!"

"What happened? What was said in the meeting before I got there that you got so upset." Isabella asked her father softly, not wanting to upset him further.

"They suggested a political marriage! I will not allow it! I am unable to outright reject their offer, I have already sent word to your mother about this, she will not stand for this either!" he yelled again, frustrated. "And you are batting your eyes for that dog as if he were the most charming prince around, have you forgotten that he is Arcoi!"

"Father, please, I am only minding my manners, I do not wish to be a disgrace, I have only ever been tasked with keeping the peace, and you wished for me to befriend him, how could I do so without being friendly?" She countered. "Besides, if a political marriage is what will bring peace then I see no reason why you are against this, I expected that someday I would be married to a Prince for political reasons in any case, that is what daughters do for their fathers."

"And you would be right, but not to some Arcoi dog! No, I would rather have bloodshed than have you marry into this kingdom! I will overthrow this kingdom someday soon!" The king ranted.

"Father! What has gotten into you! You have always been so calm, you have only ever wanted peace, that is what you taught me." Isabella pleaded.

"I never thought the day would come for Arcoi to have the gull to think they could request a marriage! Had I known this day would come I would have sent our entire army to capture this city decades ago." He finally sunk into the chair. "It has always been my goal to be the supreme King amongst all the kingdoms, I have already successfully captured over three kingdoms since my reign, and now I shall capture Arcoi."