Garden Strolls and Candid Conversations

Servants knocked at Isabella's door early the next morning, to prepare her for the long day ahead. She was dressed in a shiny, pastel blue gown, it was lighter than her usual attire as she would be expected to walk most of the day. She looked over the dress in the mirror admiring the floral embroidery that sat around her bust and the hem of her dress. Her hair was done up into a soft neat bun, decorated with Aquamarine and Angelite hairpins.

"Princess, Lady Nuria has arrived to discuss the final preparations for tonight's opening of the Grand Artisans Exhibition." A servant announced.

Isabella rushed to Lady Nuria, she had thought the Exhibition would only start the next day. There was still so much to plan, the stall preparations and the artisans schedules.

"Good morning Princess, my how beautiful you are, what a fine dress for the Grand Opening this evening." Lady Nuria rose to greet her, before sitting and sipping on her tea again.

"Good morning instructor. I had not realized the opening was tonight, I thought it was only starting tomorrow!" Isabella exclaimed, "We still have so much to prepare!"

"Apologies Princess, I had taken care of all the arrangements, I did not realize that you wished to be a part of such trivial matters." Lady Nuria apologized earnestly. "I came this morning to inform you that all preparations are as planned and that we are ready for the opening event this evening. I can't wait to introduce you to the artisans that have come all this way for our collaboration with Arcoi."

"Thank you Lady Nuria, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you!" Princess Isabella thanked her.

They shared a moment drinking tea as they discussed the final arrangements before a servant called for Princess Isabella, Prince Alexander had arrived to take her on the tour around the palace of Arcoi. Lady Nuria and Princess Isabella walked together to greet Prince Alexander, before Lady Nuria took her leave.

"Good morning," Isabella greeted Alexander warmly as she curtseyed before him.

"Good morning, you look stunning Princess!" Alexander exclaimed as he bowed in greeting.

They stood a moment gazing at each other, Isabella loved the way each suit he wore fit him as if it were tailored to the millimeter, he wore a gray suit with a white shirt and a navy tie. His eyes glowed a bright blue, she felt her heart flutter at how handsome he looked.

"Good morning your majesty, " Lady Nuria cleared her throat, smiling at the two of them. "Well, I can see you are very busy, I will take my leave, I will see you later Princess Isabella."

Isabella waved sheepishly at Nuria realizing that she had stared at the prince smiling for far too long. Alexander offered her his arm to start their tour, she gently took a hold of it, feeling his bicep flex as he pulled her toward the palace gardens. She gasped, surprised at his enthusiasm. They walked along the stone path that led around the garden.

"I am sure you are familiar with our garden already Princess," Alexander chuckled as he walked, "but please allow me to give you the official tour. We have a water feature, and a maze to the far end of the garden. My father had proposed to my mother there."

"That is very romantic, my father had taken my mother out to a picnic, they rode by horse before they arrived and he asked her." She smiled remembering what her mother had told her about their special moments, prior to sharing the sentiment of losing his father at a young age. "I am sorry about your father, I would be heartbroken if I had to lose my father, it must have been tough, I'm sure there are things you wish you could have experienced with him."

"Of course, what son does not wish to bond with his father, or make him proud." Alexander shrugged his shoulders. "But I never got to meet him, my mother told me very little of what happened, I only know that he was killed in a convoy. And she had to carry the burden of keeping Arcoi going until I was of age to take over. Despite the fact that I was eighteen a decade ago, Queen Helene decided that I should wed first. I waited patiently for her to choose my betrothed and here you stand, the first woman my mother thought worthy."

"Well, I am flattered but I am not sure how my father will take it, from what I understand there has been many problems between our kingdoms as I'm sure you are aware, he won't tell me a lot about it though." Isabella sighed. "I had believed my father would have begun choosing suitors for me as well, I do not wish to bear children late in my life. But father and mother know best. Do you know why your mother waited so long before choosing a possible wife? Usually parents choose a couple of women, not just one."

"She has always been critical, I believe she only wants the best for Arcoi, so she will only reach out to kingdoms bigger than Arcoi for possible political marriages. And it wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe that she only chose you out of a form of respect or to strengthen favor with your father as not to add competition for you." he offered his insights as they neared the maze entrance.

"For now we could only leave it in the hands of our parents to decide, I know I have no say in the matter." Isabella sighed again, giving up on the topic and looking around in the maze. "Do you know the way through or are we going to turn back?"

"There is a cress of Arcoi every few meters on the correct path, no need to worry, but I would like to show you the water feature before we head back to the palace," He gently tugged her along, her hand still sitting snugly around his bicep.