Apologies and Hidden Truths

"Excuse me for Interrupting my Lord," Sophia chirped upon her catching up to Isabella. "Princess Isabella was invited to Arcoi as an honored guest, not only has the Prince of Arcoi embarrassed her in front of all the attendants this evening, but now you add further insult by telling her to leave."

Her father, Prince Alexander and Queen Helene all arrived during Sophia's rant, not even sir Edmund could stop her when she felt an injustice was occurring in front of her. For a moment everyone stood in silence processing their options.

"Lady Sophia is right," her father spoke up, his voice stern whilst he glared at the Prince. "We have been invited to Arcoi, only to be embarrassed and chased away. This is incredibly disrespectful, we have only cooperated with all of your wishes. We will finish this evening's opening and leave in the morning for Verdesaint. We will not stand for such disrespectful behavior, we expect a public apology, as you have embarrassed Princess Isabella publicly."

"My apologies Princess," the prince sang sweetly. "It was never my intention to disrespect you or any of the royals of Verdesaint, I will apologize on stage at once to correct my mistake."

"That alone is not enough." Her father insisted." You will make the public apology correctly as per every royal family and we will not discuss any matters until such has been done. I will have my notary sent to you in case you do not understand the way things ought to be done."

"King Alaric, I understand your need to correct this situation in the traditional manner." Queen Helene started, her pose stiffened. "We will do as you ask, we apologize once again, Prince Alexander, please refrain from seeing the princess until this has been resolved."

Queen Helene barely bowed in greeting and left with a hast, the two princes followed after delivering their own bows in greeting. Sophia practically jumped into Isabella's arms, her father turned to her with relief washing over his face.

"I am glad that is over, we can finally get out of this mess because of the prince's careless actions this evening." the king spoke to himself, he ran a hand over her cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I am so sorry father, I just got so overwhelmed and I couldn't stop myself from running." Isabella began to sob again. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."

"Nonsense, if anything you helped us, now we don't have to go through with their absurd proposal and they only have themselves to blame." he chuckled softly. "If you don't feel you are up to the rest of the evening here, we can leave now as well."

Isabella looked at her friend, before shaking her hair, loose strands of hair falling into her face.

"No, I want to walk around with Sophia, everyone here worked so hard, I would still like to explore and learn from everyone here." Isabella said, grasping her friend's hand.

"Very well Isabella, but if that prince shows up again we will leave right away." he replied firmly.

"Thank you father!" Isabella smiled brightly.

Isabella and Sophia walked under the starry lights as they went from stand to stand, an announcement was made to apologize to Princess Isabella for the unusual introduction to the crowd. The two of them listened as passersby murmured their opinions of the situation.

"Oh, what is that smell? I think I'm in love." Sophia twirled in delight as she guided Isabella to a chocolate stand.

"Mmm, two of each please." Isabella decided it was best to try one of each with Sophia.

"This one has mint! Why don't we have such delicious treats back home?!" Sophia cried out, before biting into the chocolate treat again.

"We probably do," Isabella giggled. "They just have to hide it from your chocolate sniffing nose."

"I would have found it by now, no one can hide chocolate from me." she said between bites.

"Look out!" Isabella shouted.

Sophia collided with another man, her chocolate treats scattered across the grass, tears began to well up in Sophia's eyes.

"Sophia, it's just chocolate." Isabella said, handing her own treats to Sophia, and then apologizing to the man she bumped into. "Apologies, my friend was so focused on her chocolate that she didn't see you."

"Princess Isabella?" the tall man replied, his face vaguely familiar. "It's been so long since I saw you, what are you doing here? doesn't Verdesaint and Arcoi have bad blood? I apologize I was looking at something else as well, let me get you some more treats then."

"I remember your face my Lord but I don't recall your name." Isabella admitted shyly. "Would you be so kind as to remind me?"

"Lord Adrian Montclair, our fathers have been good friends for probably 30 years now. I don't blame you for not recognizing me the last time we saw each other, we were still little." his warm hazel eyes watching over her as he spoke. "Come along, let me get you those treats."

Sophia bounced happily as they made their way back to the chocolate stand to get more treats. Isabella had explained to Lord Adrian that they were there to sort out some disputes, but that they would leave in the morning due to the evening's events. Once the treats were replaced lord Adrian patted her head.

"Now don't get yourself in trouble. And send greetings to the King." He smiled softly, light dimples formed on his cheeks, and neat beard running along the outline of his angular jawline. "Be a good girl until we meet again."

He departed after greeting the two ladies. Shortly after Sophia dragged Isabella to some stone benches that were surrounded by blooming flowers. The scent of chocolate and flowers mixed into a wondrous moment of relaxation with her friend.

"Wow, he is handsome!" Sophia blurted, plopping fruit pieces covered in chocolate into her mouth again.

"Can you stop with the Chocolate?" Isabella laughed. "He really is, but I think I have had my fill of men for now thanks."

"Then I suggest taking a break from them, and having more chocolate!" Sophia wriggled with delight as she licked a smudge of chocolate from her spoon.

"Maybe you're right." Isabella took a bite into a chocolate caramel treat, stifling a squeal of her own.

They continued to eat their treats until they were satisfied and ready to continue walking through the stands. They looked at stunning portraits and fabrics that were for sale, they continued on as they watched artists painting couple portraits with various art styles. They walked through the Verdesaint section again watching folk learning some stone carving skills, and another artisan carving at a giant stone, which had already begun to take the shape of a lion. The two girls had finally made their way through all the stands and were ready to head back home. They met with her father and they left the exhibition together. The girls decided to have one last bath in the warm bathing house before heading to bed.

Isabella laid in her cool silky bed, she felt confused and guilty for the way things were left with the Prince, only this time it was not all her doing. She wondered what he and the queen discussed to make him so mad, and how he would probably get into more trouble for causing them to leave. She rolled out of bed sighing, she was not interested in sleeping, she decided to visit her willow tree for the last time before they left in the morning.

She peaked through the exit door checking if the coast were clear, before quietly sneaking out. She wandered toward the tree, enjoying the fresh air that the garden offered. It wasn't long before she found the willow and sat on its roots that were relatively cleaner than the grass. Another warm breeze blew past her, lifting her hair as she grabbed the hem of her nightgown to prevent it from lifting.

"Princess?" Alexander gasped. "I was hoping to find you here, but I don't wish to upset you further."

"What do you want?" she huffed hands over her chest, feeling insecure as she was extremely underdressed.

"I came here to explain things, I apologize for being so rude to you, even before the opening." he looked at the grass. "My mother had given me upsetting news, and I could not keep from lashing out at you."

"Why lash out at me? Does it involve me?" she pushed, her hands still holding her chest tightly.

"Yes, it does princess." His blue eyes piercing her own, his voice bitter. "She told me that your father ordered an assassination on my father, you are the reason I never had my father."

"What?! No!" Isabella jumped up, she sprawled her arms open hugging Alexander. Her own thoughts reeling at what her father had recently told her, her heart ached for Alexander, she wished it not to be true. "No, he wouldn't do that? Did she say why? Did she explain?"

"Apparently your father was jealous after the King of Arcoi asked her to be his wife to bear him a son." His voice harsh, he stood there neither embarrassing nor pushing her away. "I decided to come to you to hear if it was true, and if you didn't already know I thought you would find out."