Deciphering Destiny's Designs

"It's not your fault Sophia," she swallowed a few bites of porridge, and drank a large quantity of tea. "I've always been sickly, and I was careless, please don't blame yourself. Where is lord Edmund?"

"He is being kept busy by her majesty, they are requesting that all the bachelor princes of the realm be recommended so that her majesty might choose the right three princes for you." Sophia began to perk up after watching Isabella eat a few more bites of porridge. "Why? Should I get him for you?"

"No, if he is busy then that is fine. I asked him to get information for me but I no longer need it, I just wanted to let him know." Isabella said as she cleaned her bowl of porridge. "I didn't expect my mother to go so over the top for me, but then again it is the future of Verdesaint after all."

"Oh, while you were out of it the last few days I went to go and check the pigeon house for you." Sophia whispered, passing her a note. "I didn't open it, but I suspected that you would want to keep it a secret. We wouldn't want his majesty to blow a fuse finding out that you are swapping love letters with the Arcoi prince."

"Thanks Sophia," She plucked the letter from between Sophia's fingers and tucked it under her pillow. "I will read it later when I feel a bit better."

"Fine," Sophia pouted, burning to know the contents of the letter.

Sophia cleared the crockery from Isabella's room and left her alone with the letter. Sinking to her bed she sided heavily, wondering what his response would be. Unable to find a comfortable position she wandered to the chair by an open window. A tree had grown over the years positioning itself right before her to watch the birds chirp and sing. She always adored the little colorful birds that would greet her, but it also saddened her as it reminded her of all the times she had fallen ill and had to stay in bed for days. She had envied the bird's cheerful life at the time, and now she felt as though a key had been placed in the slot of a cage she never realized she was in. All she had to do was find the right man that would allow her to turn the key and set her free from her cage.

She retrieved the letter from under her pillow and sat by the window, fumbling the letter she managed to open it, her heartbeat quickening as she read:

"Dear Princess,

Thank you for writing back so quickly, and finding the courage to speak to your father regarding those events. I am having the information verified before I finally decide what to do with you.

It seems that regardless of the motive, Verdesaint is the cause of my father's death. I will take my compensation one way or another.

Until we meet again Princess.

- Prince Alexander"

Isabella's stomach turned with anxiety, although it did not seem very threatening, she knew he wanted his revenge. She cramped the letter into a book and slid it into her bookshelf; she had to ensure no one knew that she was in contact with the prince.

A knock on the door had Isabella jerk and fall onto her bed again. Her mother came into the room, glancing around before sitting by her bedside.

"Isabella, how are you feeling?" Her mother cooed.

"Better since Sophia brought me something soft to eat." Isabella winced as she moved into a more appropriate position.

"That's good my dear." Her mother smiled softly. "We have been scouting the lands for appropriate suitors for you these last few days. We had several recommendations given to us, and well your father also added in an old friend despite his lack of nobility. Although we have a few suitors to choose from your father and I have only agreed on two so far. Perhaps when you are up and well we can discuss the suitors and you could possibly choose one?"

"Thank you mother, I am sure I will be well enough by tomorrow to come and discuss the suitors." Isabella smiled softly.

"Very well, but I would prefer us not to leave the matter longer than a few days." She straightened her dress as she rose. "I would like to make the arrangements and start the courtships at once, that we can put this Arcoi dispute to rest."

Her mother closed the door behind her as she left. Isabella sunk back under the sheets, two suitors had already been chosen. Butterfly sensations spread throughout her body as she wondered who they were and what they would think of her. She was certain her mother would prepare her before they arrived, despite knowing that she felt fear creep in at the possibility that the men chosen would not offer her the freedom she desired.

The doctor came in again later to check on her and gave her herbal teas to drink for the next few days. He ordered daily herbal baths and that she spent time close to the sunlight but not directly in it. She groaned feeling as though she were being treated like a finicky plant.

"It's either that or you will end up in the palace ward for at least a week." He raised his eyebrow in disdain. "You need to be more cautious with your health in future."

"Thank you doctor." she replied softly, as she clenched a fist full of her sheets.

Although she had been sick many times in her life, each doctor they called upon was unable to find the root of her problem. Many simply said that she was weaker than most, which made her parents agitated. Being a princess meant she could not afford to be weak, and she knew it would be considered a problem to her potential suitors. She sipped on her herbal tea, no longer grimacing at the flavor. She wondered if she would ever find a cure or if she would remain weak and prone to sickness until her death. Some doctors speculated that if she ever remained untreated and cared for she would likely perish within a few weeks. She took a deep breath, calming her mind from the negative thoughts that began to rise.

The next morning Isabella awoke feeling rejuvenated, despite her feeling well she drank her morning herbal tea as prescribed. As past experiences taught her that even if she began to feel better she had to complete the medicine until it was finished, or else she would simply revert to her sickly state and start over again. She prepared herself for her meeting with her mother, and then went off to search for her to begin their discussion of suitors.

"Morning Princess, you are looking much better." Sophia sang happily. "Are you looking for her majesty?"

"Yes, she wanted to discuss suitors, and I said that I would speak with her today." Isabella continued walking down the hall with Sophia. "Have you seen her?"

"Her majesty was last seen by the queen's private library." Sophia directed her.

"Of course, she would be looking up the information of the suitors." she realized, quickening her pace toward the private library.

Isabella knocked at the door of her mother's private Library, she waited patiently until her mother permitted entrance. Sophia dared not enter as the private library was restricted to a handful of members. Isabella strode gracefully, feeling her mother's judging gaze, her mother had always expected nothing but perfection from her. Isabella loved the library, it was neat and well organized. Bookshelves lined the room filled with notaries and information gathered from several scholars and informants over many years. If there was something not found it would simply be requested and within a few days information would be ready to view and added to the collection. Isabella believed that this room held great power compared to any other room in the kingdom, which would someday be hers to use.

"Isabella, I am so happy to see you are feeling better and are ready to discuss the suitors with me." Her mother chimed from behind a bookshelf.

"I did not wish to delay you, mother." Isabella curtseyed respectfully, aware that every word and action was closely watched.

"Please take a seat at the center table, I will be with you shortly." She commanded, her voice stern.

Isabella took a seat at the round table in the center of the library as her mother had requested. The table was littered with bits of information and books of several kingdoms, some of which Isabella had never heard of before. She caught a glance of well drawn sketches of several young men, which she could only presume to be the suitors. She sat her arms at her side, her posture straight and her head tall, until her mother finally joined her at the table. Her mother looked tired as if she had spent many early mornings and late nights researching and collecting information to make an informed decision.