Unspoken Concerns

The ride back to the Mansion was a flurry of urgency and concern. Isabella sat in front of Prince Casmir on his horse, her body shivering from the cold and the shock of her near-drowning. Casmir's arms were securely wrapped around her, his strong hold offering both warmth and comfort. Duke Adrian rode alongside, his gaze shifting between Isabella and the path ahead.

As they rode, Adrian leaned over to check on Isabella, and his eyes widened in alarm. There, hidden beneath her damp hair, was a small but steadily growing stain of red on the back of her head.

"Casmir," Adrian's voice was low but urgent, "she's bleeding from the back of her head."

Casmir's heart pounded as he took in the sight. Panic threatened to take hold, but he forced himself to remain composed. "We need to get her back to the palace quickly. I'll keep her talking, keep her conscious."