Intensifying Rivalry

The moon cast a faint glow over the palace stables, where Isabella and Prince Alexander crouched behind a stack of hay bales, their gazes fixed on the horse attendants as they conversed animatedly. The horse incident had led to suspicions and rumors, and Alexander was determined to uncover the truth.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Isabella whispered, her brow furrowed in concern.

Alexander's jaw was set in determination as he replied, "We need to know who switched out the horses. It's the only way to uncover who is behind the accident and whoever thought to put you in danger."

As they eavesdropped on the attendants, snatches of conversation reached their ears.

"I heard the horses were gifted from one of the suitor's families," one attendant said in hushed tones. "I wonder if they knew that the horses were scared of water, and intended to cause such a mess or if it was just a coincidence."