Father in law's Approval

Isabella drank in the moment before her, she glanced over Casmir, his chest bare with a splash of hair. His muscles were well toned for his sleek physique, she felt herself gulping nervously as she drank in his ripped arms.

Her lower abdomen tingled with an unfamiliar sensation, a sense of excitement had goosebumps running over her skin. Casmir moved behind her, leaving room between them, before resting his hands on her shoulders.

"How careless of me, I see the sun has burnt your fair skin." his words caressed her ears. "I will have that attended to as soon as we are done." he continued to create soft circles with his fingertips.

"I should have been more prepared." she admitted, enjoying his gentle touches.

"I would have given you a massage but I would not want to damage your skin further." he retracted his hands from her.