Seeds of Doubt

"Elara, you don't understand." Isabella pleaded for her understanding. "Casmir knew about the letters."

"Is that so?" She sneered. "Are you referring to the ones you burned on the very first day I came to your chambers?"

Fear had Isabella choke on her words, she was powerless in this fight.

"That's enough Elara, this is none of your concern." Casmir's icy gaze met both of their faces. "Leave her. I will talk with her later, once I have cooled off."

Elara slunk out of Isabella's chambers, before Casmir closed the door behind him. Leaving her to the silent screaming in her mind. 'What was happening?' she wondered, 'What am I doing?'.

Isabella decided to lay on her bed, feeling a miserable and terrible heartache. Tears poured over her cheeks, she felt like a child being given a time out. She was a fully grown woman, why was she allowing herself to be treated this way.