Journey to the Arcanum Forest

They curled up in bed after finishing up in the hot springs and enjoyed a quiet meal together. Isabella was relieved to notice that most of the tension had finally passed. Pressing her head against his broad chest filled her with delight.

She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of his soft grunts as he fell asleep. His arms wrapped protectively around her, pulling her closer to him as he fell deeper into his sleep. She sighed happily at the quiet moment they shared.

The next morning Casmir awoke before her, dressed and ready for their journey. "My love, have some herbal tea." he placed the warm cup in her hands. "Then you need to get ready, I want us to leave before the sun rises. We have a long way to travel today."

Isabella drank her tea, and dressed in a light feminine suit, her pants fit snugly around her legs. Her blouse accentuated her figure, but offered her protection to the sun and wind. She tied her long brown hair into a bun.