Journey to the Solara Plains

Isabella stirred awake, her body ached in a way that it hadn't in a very long time. She brushed it off, knowing that mentioning it would only cause Casmir to worry. Casmir had already risen, as he was always the first one awake preparing for them to leave.

She sluggishly dressed into her traveling attire that she had worn since they first left the palace. She sighed in happiness that the village folk always washed their clothes during their stay. She hated wearing the same thing for more than a day, but this was an unusual journey after all.

Isabella brushed her hair back into a bun as she often wore these days, looking at her pale skin in the mirror, she cursed the illness that devoured her vitality by the day. She longed for the peace of the palace life, as much as she loved to travel, she was ready to go home.