The Deceptive Letters and the Start of War

"Isabella." Adrian knocked at Isabella's door.

"Please come in." Isabella called as she rose from her bed.

"I drew you a bath, I'm sure you would like to freshen up." Adrian held out a hand to guide her to the bath. "Alexander sent a change of clothes for you, I left it in the room for you."

"Thank you, Adrian." Her heart felt too heavy to offer a smile. "How did you get involved in this anyway?"

"Well, Alexander informed me of his suspicions and after he got some confirmation that Casmir was lying to you, Alexander was hellbent that you were in danger." Adrian rubbed the back of his head. "But he needed my help since he figured you would be calmer if I were around. He may be a possessive maniac, but his instincts about you are usually spot on. So I decided to help."

"But what about your Dukedom?" Isabella looked up to Adrian, his brown eyes offering her comfort.