A Palace Transformed

Isabella, now known as Lady Adeline, followed the Stewart through the grand halls of the Arcoi palace. It was a place she had never dreamed of entering, and yet here she was, navigating its luxurious corridors with a sense of wonder.

The lord stewart, a man of middle age with salt-and-pepper hair, was courteous and attentive as he showed her around. He explained the recent changes in the palace's décor, which had taken on a more romantic ambiance. Gone were the grand paintings and statues that once adorned the walls, replaced by lush curtains and ornate flower arrangements. The palace now exuded an air of romance and intrigue, its halls seemingly whispering secrets of love and passion.

Isabella marveled at the transformation. The palace had become a garden of opulence, where every corner seemed to overflow with blossoms and fragrant petals. The lord stewart mentioned that the changes were in preparation for an event – a contest of sorts.