The Courtly Struggle

With a broken spirit, Isabella turned to exit the banquet hall as the group's next test was over before she thought it had even begun. It was clear that the judge especially disapproved her own reaction toward Marigold's conversation, and Isabella found herself thankful for Prince Alexander's interruption as it may have prevented the judge from embarrassingly pointing out her disapproval in front of the whole group.

As Isabella made her way out of the hall she locked eyes with Alexander who turned to slip out another door leading out of the banquet hall.

"Lady Adeline," Alexander called out from behind her as they both entered the hallway. "I didn't even see your group start yet."

"It's already finished, as I'm sure you know, my leaving the banquet hall is a sign of my failure in the test." Isabella's words came out calm and firm, but the disappointment must have been written on her face.