
Karen sighed as he looked at french fries at a restaurant behind the 1st city's train station. He was still trying to understand what his father had said. This intimidation was pretty cool.

"Lal, where did you disappear to..." he muttered, putting one hand to his face.

He knew most of the soldiers in the organization because he was working in a unit that needed a lot of knowledge before leaving the organization.

He thought of the first twenty that had not changed in nearly 150 years. None of them could have quelled this revolt alone with such little destruction and with such delicate selectivity. Part of him still believed that a few soldiers were doing this job and his father was bluffing by saying that he sent only one soldier.

He thought about how curious he was while popping one of the fries in his mouth. Then his sister came to his mind. Thinking about the hint Lal gave him, it occurred to him that Reira would know the details of the matter. His appetite has returned. After his meal, he planned to go inside the SOU and visit his sister.


Karen saw Abraham right after he entered the SOU central gate. Abraham hugged Karen and said, "Dude, the meeting finished early. I was just coming to pick you up, hoping you'd have some time to visit us."

Karen replied warmly to his friend, whom he had not seen since the Purity tour, "Actually, I was going to call you, but my dad kept me busy." said. He then told Abraham that his father had personally attended the meeting and what he had said.

Of course, the organization's meeting with the ten mighty feudal lords and its offer to share out the land with them was something that should be kept secret, but Karen did not care much about it. They were sitting on a bench in the garden in the meantime.

Later, Karen said, "This guy gets crazy as he gets older. He was more boring before. 'I have a soldier who will kill you.' Saying something like that to the Might Ten... He really has guts.".

Abraham laughed, "Hey man! Don't talk like that about Master Oliver or I'll have to arrest you." said.

Karen said, "But am I wrong? Before, he wouldn't even bother to make fun of the Mighty Ten." Then, in a more excited tone, he said, "I just wonder if he said it right. Did really a single soldier kill all of them?" he asked himself.

"Oh, well..." Abraham said with glancing eyes. Karen asked what happened. Abraham said, "The master was partially right."

As Karen remembered that his friend was a top-secret messenger said, "Holy God, you know!"

Abraham panicked as he thought his excitement would draw attention and looked around. When he made himself sure that there was no one around he said, "Dude, it didn't even take her an hour to plunder the castle!"

Karen was fascinated and he leaned back, said, "A woman you say!"

Abraham got closer to Karen and said, "Normally, I mustn't talk since it is a top-secret mission. I never tell who she is. But man, you are a feudal lord too, and you should know who to stay away from. The soldier's nickname is 'Green Blood'. I do not know her name either, but she is from those famous graduates."

Karen leaned his elbow on the bench and supported his head with his hand. "Look at that nickname!" he said.

Abraham grimaced and said, "I'm telling you to stay away from her, but you are so fascinated, so I'm scared that you'll almost fall in love with her before you even know her!" said.

2571 Graduates were one of the most autonomous groups of the organization. They all had a pathetic past and were a rather mysterious formation. About 240 years ago, a tribe of people with physical mutations in North Africa, supported by the Martian Government, started a great rebellion.

Due to a scarcity of soldiers at the moment, SOU sent 2571 newly graduated students who had not yet even been numbered to put down the revolt as a last resort.

There were only two executives who made this decision from the SOU's council. One of them was Karen's father, Oliver Miler. He could not let inexperienced, newly graduates go to war all alone so he also went after them. This was the last war he participated in. On their way back, he saved over 600 soldiers.

Therefore, this group consisted of strong secondars, the outcome of natural selection, who had experienced war brutally. However, since their trust for the organization was shaken, they only obeyed Oliver Miler and did not take orders from any other manager except for special duties.

Other rulers did not know the names of many of these soldiers because when they returned from war many of their names have been deleted from the records. They were known only by nicknames.


The elevator attendant stepped out of Oliver Miler's window. Although there was no chance of being caught as the Mighty Ten's meeting was still going on, she had better go home right away.

With her special permission, she had left the list General had asked of in his room. Now she was trying to leave without anyone noticing.

She went into the restroom on a quiet floor. She took off his wig and lenses. There were no spare clothes with her.

She was startled. Nervously, she tore off the frills at the hem of her skirt and threw them in the trash and tore off some of her black stockings. When she got rid of some of the frills on the top, she decided that she looked like a gothic girl and left.

She was going to go home like this, and she had better stay away from the energy she felt at the SOU central gate.

She had made the list of power of the Mighty Ten by order of General. Although the energy she felt and the strength of the person was generally proportional, there were exceptions. Still, exceptions did not break the rule.

For example, the energy level of a woman named Renenet was worth the energy of five soldiers under Number 200.

The large, naive, soft energy of the woman with the wings was also considered quite soothing.

The most complex energy was the Lord of the North and his man next to him. Amy was barely breathing in that elevator.

But no one else could match Karen Miler's energy in terms of size, intensity, and calmness. His energy was so big, so intense, and so steady that Amy had to concentrate seriously to be able to sense other energies. Still, she did not feel insecure. That was why she could sleep.