A New Beginning...

Nobody POV:Before the start of Inarizaki's volleyball team

Kita and Atsumu were on their way to the locker rooms chatt while walking to get to know more about each other. Kita was fascinated by the all the things he had just learned of Atsumu's life outside of school. "I had no idea ye can skateboard and ice skate but considering how close ye and yer friends are I am not that surprised." Kita had commented to Atsumu. "Oh but that's nothing compared to what we have planned for the grand reveal." Atsumu could not helped but blab out to Kita about their plans. All Kita could think about was about how ingenious their plans were. "Too bad we have practice otherwise I would have left to Miyagi with Hitomu."Atsumu sighed.

"Anyway I should tell ye more about the Athletic Demons shouldn't I."Atsumu pointed out. Kita nodded wanting to know more about their friends. "Well we all met on a website call '@ the prodigies' that allows sport prodigies around the same age to help support each other as almost all of us were treated badly all not understood. I was the first in the group to join during my first year in middle school. I had started a group chat with me writing how I was feeling and my struggles."Atsumu told this to Kita with a light in their eyes and that small smile Kita had seen later. Atsumu was always happy when talking about their friends and little brother. Sadly it had took him this long to realise that they were faking their emotions. "Then slowly Elmo-san, Tendou Satori had joined saying how he was put into my group due our age,similar experiences and our shared love for volleyball. Elmo-san had dealt with every one on his team looking at him like a monster. All because of his looks,his height and the way he observes his opponents."Atsumu had said giving Kita a brief explanation that is starting to paint the 'Athletic Demons' problems. Which all of them were hiding from every one except their small group. "I had no idea his experience was similar to yer's Atsumu. Both of ye deserved that." Kita stated in a firm yet comforting tone. Kita had a determined look in his eyes promising to make sure. They will have a better time during their remaining time in Inarizaki. "Thanks for saying that Kita-san but I haven't got to worst of us yet... And trust me it ain't a pretty thing to listen to... So if ye want to hear it we should seat down." Atsumu tells Kita in a wavering voice.

Shortly after that they reached the locker room and for once Kita was not thinking about following his daily routine. For all he could think was what could be worst. Then what he had heard about Tendou past as a middle schooler. Someone who had they faced last year in Nationals. But now that he thought about it he had seen the way they were both sharing glances while looking in the audience. At a spectator in a cat hoodie, a teen with puffy eyes and a child with a fox hoodie similar to the first spectator. Now that he thought about it they were probably the rest of their friends and little brother. Ashamed as he was to admit. He had thought that Atsumu was looking for someone to look at them with some attention. However, there was no time to dwell on that mentally filing it away to look at it later at home. As right now he needs to know more.

"Anyway then along came Prince-kun and Kitten-kun, Kageyama Tobio and Chinen Miya. I will start with Kitten-kun's past first due to how bad Prince-kun's one is. And I will tell ye his past after i shared our final member's past."Atsumu started and that sentence does not sit right with Kita. "Just what happened to Kageyama-kun for Atsumu to not share it first?" Kita mentally questioned himself trying to think of how bad it might be. "So Kitten-kun had only just joined us 2 years ago. How he had joined us was that he was abandoned by his old friends. All because they were jealous of how he seems to excel more and more skateboarding. They almost injured him and they said they didn't want to be friends with Kitten-kun anymore. According to Kitten-kun they said "A hero should not be seen with a bunch of slimes like us." ...He is still just a lil kid barely out of middle school he did not deserve that at all..."Atsumu stated in the beginning then started having a panic attack at the end. Just realising how messed up all of their lives really are.

Kita immediately came to comfort them. "There,there is okay now it's gonna be okay. Because I am here now and I promise to help ye and yer friends." Kita said in a soft and comforting voice. It made their mind go to places. "W-woah Kita-san's voice such does sound pretty good. W-wait what am I thinking? We just started being friends and that ain't no way he would like someone like me. Someone...someone so broken,full of scars and not mentally stable." Atsumu told themselves so. Though unaware that their feelings were returned. "Are ye feeling better now Atsumu?" Kita asked wanted to make sure his...friend(crush) was okay now. "Ya I am feeling better...but we should go to the locker room and change right now. The others are gonna come in soon and ye still have yer cleaning routine to do. Don't worry I will share more after practice." Atsumu commented making Kita catch on that they wanted Kita not to see his scars as they were ready for him to see or trust him as much. And as hard as it was to convince himself not to be upset with himself. Kita still felt horrible for never noticing just how Atsumu was faking their personality till now. "Right thanks for reminding me I will get started on setting up the gym. I don't think I will have enough time to clean before the others get here." Kita mentioned while quickly leaving to change. He wanted to give Atsumu some privacy to sort through their thoughts. To also show them that he respects their silent wish to be alone.

Slowly all of their teammates started trickling into the gymnasium clearly eager to get started on practice. Atsumu was looking anxious and resigned. Knowing that their brother and teammates would be talking how they were not practicing because they were confident in their abilities again. "Oi! Atsumu what are ye doing sitting 'round for yer supposed to be warming up." "Ye lazy scrub of a setter plus is not like setting is that hard." "Ya ye just toss it in the air to us the ones people come to see." Osamu and Suna spoke assuming that since Atsumu was sitting down and not stretching. That they could not be bother to do it. Even though, they were not hiding their injuries from the whole team. The rest of the team were just supporting the others claims not even seeing the injury on Atsumu. Atsumu was looking down and may be seen shaking with anger. However, since Kita was standing close by to Atsumu. And is beginning to know the real Atsumu. He knows now that is the farthest thing from the truth. As it seems to Kita, that Atsumu was looking down to not be vulnerable in front of the entire team. In addition, they were shaking to try to stop themselves from crying. "ENOUGH!" Kita shouted. Fed up of everyone was talking over Atsumu and Kita when they were trying to tell the reason for Atsumu sitting out. Once Kita had shouted, everyone was gobsmacked. Even though they had seen Kita cold stare at them they had never heard him shout before. Nevertheless they all quiet down not wanting to cause their captain to shout at them again. Poor Atsumu had flinched when Kita had shouted instantly reminded of their mother when they were abused. Luckily no one had seen it except for Kita and even then it did not calm Kita down. Taking a few deep breaths Kita began "Atsumu isn't playing because yesterday Atsumu had gotten injured. When moving the pole and the hook of the pole had caught on Atsumu's arm. That's why Atsumu's arm is bandaged. Hence, why Atsumu is not gonna be playing for 2 weeks. However, Atsumu will be helping the coach and me. To help come up with plays and assessing everyone's skills to see what may be improved. Now I am displeased with all of ye. For making assumptions while not letting Atsumu even have a chance to talk. Yall should be ashamed of yerselves for assuming things and not seeing what is right in front of ye." Kita elaborately informed the team. Pissed off that this is what Atsumu faced everyday without any support making Kita feel even more guilty.

During practice the whole team cannot help but notice the difference of how Atsumu and Kita were acting. Everytime someone teased Atsumu, Kita would glare coldly at them. This always makes the entire gym be dead silent. Once they have apologised then Kita would immediately stop glaring. However, everytime they apologised to Atsumu. Atsumu would look confused that they had apologised to them. After that Atsumu would ask them if they were feeling alright. The aftermath caused all of who apologised to feel as though they had kicked a puppy. Especially, with Atsumu the confused look on their face that's completed with a little head tilt. Kita swears he had felt heart palpitations everytime he had seen it. Kita was confused about what he was experiencing. Mentally reminding himself to ask his grandmother about it when he returns home later.

"Also before I forget we will have 2 new members joining us next week. So please be polite, introduce yerselves and guide them around the club. And no I shall not tell ye their names. As they requested it to be a surprise when they come." Coach Kurosu informed them. Shortly after that they all were conspiring theories of the mysterious members. All except for Kita who knew due to being the captain. And Atsumu as they were the ones who had planned for the new members to come. Of course Kita did not reveal anything not one to ruin the future reaction of his team. They quickly gave up knowing none of them will be able to pry it out of him. That and Kita was still displeased of their attitudes towards Atsumu. Meanwhile, Atsumu was looking anxious to Kita finding out what Kageyama and them had dealt with to cope with their past team.

Soon it was the end of the day Atsumu's body still hurts from the dog attack they had earlier. Kita noticed and could not bear to let them go home in that state. "Atsumu would ye like to go to my house. I just...don't want to see ye hurt like this. I want to be sure that ye will be alright at yer house." Kita whispered to Atsumu ear hoping that his...friend(crush) would allow him to help them. "Sure Kita-san at least I don't need to sleep in the forest again. Plus Hitomu is gone with my other friends to go watch Tobio-kun and Elmo-san's match tomorrow."Atsumu casually says. Atsumu did not seem to notice the look on Kita-san's face when they mentioned sleeping in the woods. "We're talking more about this at my house when we get there." Kita stated neutrally trying to not show his anger towards them. "Okay Kita-san lead the way" Atsumu told him with hint of happiness. Happy to be away from their parents and be inside somewhere with shelter and food.

Meanwhile the rest of the team was ponders what was up with Atsumu and their captain. They all thought at the same time. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF KAMI-SAMA IS GOING ON TODAY!!!???"