Blind Acceptance

Yuuto's Terms of Service:

9. Your bond will be much better than before hiring my services! GUARANTEED!


The gear spins relentlessly, as he changed it to its highest difficulty.

The two youths shared the bicycle as they rode toward Tokyo. They reached a bridge where dozens of cars passed the two by only barely, as Yuuto paddled in an extremely high cadence as Sendo sat on the back, still wearing his sweaty Kendo outfit with his wooden sword on the back - while pouting slightly as he held Yuuto's sides to not fall off the bicycle.

"Ya could've at least let me ride my own bike, Senpai." He said as he frowned slightly as the nightly wind breezed on their faces as they rode on the bike.

Yuuto kept his head tilted forward while focusing on the road with a blank expression, as Sendo's phone rests in his pocket while he paddled on Sendo's bike

"No can do. What will I do if we get arrested and they find out I let a minor ride while I sit from behind?" He berated calmly. As if he didn't try to rob Sendo several minutes ago.

"...." He pouted more as he sighed abruptly while looking to the side as they crossed the bridge which was over the river... Witnessing the water illuminated by the moon's light.

"How old are you even? 16?"

"... I'm turning 16 in 3 months." Sendo answered reluctantly.

"Yeah. I'm riding you back on the way home as well." He replied in an annoyed manner.

"... No need ta, senpai. My home is in dis direction anyway." He replied in the same manner, almost copying Yuuto's tone.

Yuuto sighed as he rode Sendo's bike. They were already halfway through the bridge and about to enter Tokyo's territory.

"Speaking of home... Won't your parents be worried when you're out so late?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It's alright, senpai. Like I said, dis is actually in the direction of my house anyway. Regarding my parents, I don't have any! I can be out as much as I want." Sendo replied casually as the warm wind dried his comfortable Kendo outfit from all traces of sweat.

"..." Yuuto chose not to respond to that.

"Anyway, Senpai- That's a cool cut ya have! Ya shaved yer hair today?" Naturally, Yuuto couldn't keep the hoodie on as the wind kept blowing. But he didn't care as much as he was at first about Sendo seeing him in his eh... 'Special' attire.

'Already tried to rob him... What's the damage in just coming clean already..?'

"Nah. I went to school with a wig and glasses. Shaved my head before school started and kept it ever since."

"Oooh! Like Cark Kent when he's not Supreme-human-man!" He replied enthusiastically as his eyes glistened and widened while looking at Yuuto's shaved head.

 "In a way... Cark Kent didn't wear a wig, though." He replied casually and calmly as they finished crossing the bridge.

Silence. No questions, no pruning or complaining on Sendo's behalf... No outbursts of curiosity... Nothing. Just silent acceptance of everything Yuuto told him without him attempting to pry into Yuuto's business.

But Yuuto was different. His pride was hurt, and his curiosity only grew bigger the more Sendo continued his blind acceptance of everything.

"You could have called the police or told someone I tried to rob you. Maybe tried to lynch me with your club members and get me expelled so that this won't happen again." He scolded calmly as he tensed his facial muscles as he rode on the bike.

"... Well, I didn't wanna." He replied with no change in his casual tone as he momentarily looked to the sky as if to think how best to word his answer.

Yuuto squeezed his lips together as he felt his annoyance with Sendo's carefree behavior. 'Didn't want to'? What kind of answer is that? Is that supposed to solve anything or calm anyone's suspicions?

"I know you are young, Sendo. But are you actually just stupid? Why in the world would you not call someone for help? I could have been a dangerous person, and you don't know me." He scolded again as he tightened the grip on his bike- resorting to insulting Sendo as his pride got hurt.

"I hate being called stupid, senpai. Even though I'm not smart with studies... But I do have my own reasons for not trying ta pull nothin' on ya." He replied casually and innocently shortly after Yuuto berated him.

"... Then, why didn't you, really? Even going as far as to help someone who held you in a choke-hold and blindly followed them on your bike to help them get to where they needed..."

Sendo tilted his head as he squinted his eyebrows. As if he was going to answer the most rhetorical question he was ever asked.

"Because, yer a good person, Senpai! Ya wouldn't have tried ta rob me blind and bolt somewhere off without a good reason!" Even though he initially kinda did it just to check on his website...

Yuuto looked down as he paddled powerfully on the bike as if moving all of his anger and frustration from being found out in this manner to his legs as they were getting closer and closer to the city.

"And how did you draw that conclusion?" He answered with a deep, yet soft sigh.

"On da train dat day. Ya stood up and shouted, even though ya didn't wanna, while everyone just looked as if they watched a Mawrell movie. I could tell ya was forcing yerself because of how ya cracked yer phone and hurt yer hand. I figured someone like ya trying to rob someone wasn't jus' cuz ye forgot to pay yer rent in time."

"..." Yuuto frowned.

"Sendo. One good deed does not indicate a person's entire nature or their moral alignment..." He uttered as he tightly gripped the handlebars on the bicycle.

"... As much as you want the nature you witnessed to be true.." He claimed quietly, almost regretting that he let Sendo hear that advice.

"... Senpai..?" He asked in concern as he saw Yuuto tense up his body more than usual, taking longer to answer and lowering his tone considerably.

"So, next time you get robbed by me or anyone, whether they were a nice old man or Jesus himself..." He added as his tone got back to its normal standard.


"Just Base-... Just Kendo their asses." He said passionately as he slightly tilted his head to Sendo as he navigated on the bike.

"Not sure I get dat... But I won't cooperate so easy nex' time I get robbed by anyone, senpai!"

"Good enough..."



"... Sorry for calling you stupid." Yuuto let out quietly.

Sendo cracked up a big smile as his eyes sparkled.

"I forgive ya, senpai!"