

"Just fight me now. I won't step off the garment until you raise your blade."

"No. Ya made me angry. I fight bad when angry." Sendo murmured


Yuuno then burst into laughter, making people stare at him attentively.

"Alright. Sorry. If I remove my leg, will you please fight me?"

"...Move it." Sendo persisted.

Yuuno sighed, "Fine..." Yuuno then carefully moved his leg. Sendo went and picked up the garment.

He then turned around and started walking away, the stadium fills with disappointement.

"Sendo." Yuuno called.

"...What?" Sendo replied, turning around.

"...Give me the outfit. I want to try it."

Sendo turned around and handed it to Yuuno.

'This kid made me jump through hoops just because of this retarded thing,' Yuuno thought, looking at the outfit.

'This shitty kid... First, you made Shiyon-nii into some sort of pussy. Then, you throw a tantrum over a fight... Haha.. You've always been like this, Sendo. Always so annoying. The dumbest mutt there is. I'll enjoy ruining whatever reputation you think you have here. I'll enjoy... Destroying you.'

Yuuno thought as he wore the outfit slowly, and tying it around his body.

The atmosphere in the big gym was charged with electricity, anticipation hanging thick in the air as Sendo, after a moment of hesitation, squared off against Yuuno. The crowd, silent with bated breath, watched as the two adversaries took their stances, the weight of the shinai in their hands a silent testament to the battle ahead.

"Fine," Sendo grumbled, his stance a declaration of readiness. "Show me what yer made of."

Yuuno's smirk was predatory, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling determination. "You asked for it," he taunted.

'Hmph, finally. Finish it fast so I can go back. I need to finish a scenario page.' Yuuto shamelessly thought in his head.

As bamboo met bamboo in a resounding clash, murmurs swept through the crowd. Yuuno's aggressive onslaught was relentless, his strikes sharp and unforgiving. Yet, Sendo's calm under pressure, countering with precision, showcased a maturity and growth that surprised many.

Shiyon was on the verge of stepping onto the stage when the sudden eruption of cheers and the distinctive sound of bamboo striking bamboo halted him in his tracks. "Oh... So they've begun...?" he mused to himself, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Well, it seems they don't need me to intervene anymore~ Enjoy the bout, you two <3... Yuu-chun, you're about to be taken aback." With a knowing smile and a shake of his head, Shiyon turned away, his interest piqued but his presence unnecessary, confident in the unfolding drama and the surprises it held, especially for Yuuno.

"This Yuuno guy... I thought he didn't know Kendo!" an onlooker whispered, awe coloring their voice.

"He doesn't! He's wielding that shinai like a street fighter... But he's dominating Sendo! Could he be a natural talent...?!" another spectator mused, eyes wide with disbelief.

Despite Yuuno's formidable attack, Sendo's evolution as a kendo practitioner was evident. He danced around Yuuno's strikes, countering with moves that drew gasps and cheers from the audience. A daring sidestep and a swift counterattack earned Sendo a point, the crowd erupting in applause for his skill and tenacity.

'Aniki was always tough in fights... But... Dyin'... Dat scared me more, especially when those three old dudes jumped me. Is that why his strikes... seem slower?' Sendo pondered, dodging another of Yuuno's attempts, the memory of his confrontation under the harsh glow of streetlights flashing through his mind.

'Ah, learned some new tricks, huh...? Haha, you're not entirely hopeless, Sendo. Those eyes, your moves—they speak of someone who's stared down death... So you've finally broken through that barrier. Is this the revelation Shiyon-nii hoped I'd witness?' Yuuno thought to himself as their shinai met with force, his initial disdain mixing with a grudging respect for Sendo's evident growth and tenacity.

Yet, the cold edge of Yuuno's adaptability was ever-present.

'Well... It's amusing,'

His tactics shifted, unpredictably weaving through Sendo's defenses like a serpent, his precision leaving the crowd on edge as Yuuno systematically picked apart Sendo's offense.

'But no matter what you've learned, it changes nothing... It never did,'

The match escalated towards its zenith, Sendo's barrage of attacks consistently thwarted by Yuuno's strategic counters.

"I AIN'T GIVING UP, ANIKI!" Sendo's voice echoed defiantly.

In a moment charged with intensity, Yuuno seized an opening, his shinai connecting with Sendo's abdomen in a powerful thrust that sent him hurtling across the mat.

'You retarded fucking mutt. What you did to Shiyon-nii... The hoops you made me jump through just for some disgusting, sweat-stained outfit. I won't ever let it go,'

The big stadium's atmosphere was a volatile mix of admiration for Sendo's improved skills and the shock of Yuuno's seemingly innate talent for kendo, his brutish strength paired with an unexpected finesse.

"Sendo's really stepped up his game... But Yuuno, there's a raw edge to him. Like a street fighter with the elegance of a kendo master," an observer commented, their tone a blend of respect and concern. "I guess that's Shiyon-san's little brother for ya!"

As Sendo struggled for breath, Yuuno offered a mocking bow, basking in the crowd's reactions, his triumph marked by Sendo's undeniable display of spirit, even in defeat.

"Haaa... I's still not strong enough to beat ya', Aniki..." Sendo gasped, defeated yet defiant.

"Nonsense." Yuuno's voice cut through the noise as he approached the fallen Sendo, offering a hand with a seemingly genuine gesture of sportsmanship.

"You've grown." Yuuno's voice softened, the crowd's cheers enveloping them, a moment of unexpected sportsmanship that left the audience in roaring approval.

"WOAH!!! SAKURAI-SENPAI, WASN'T THAT AMAZING!?" Sato cheered, turning to Yuuto with eyes shining with excitement.

"Not bad, I suppose," Yuuto replied, sighing as his gaze lingered on the match.

"What...? Are you serious right now, that's it?" Sato asked, his enthusiasm waning in the face of Yuuto's tepid response.

"What did you expect, Sakkun? That this guy's going to be serious about anything?" Hiyori remarked, teasingly poking fun at Yuuto's known demeanor.

"Alright, listen here, you one-eyed, green-skinned, sludge covered, sewage-infested, shit-smelling bridge troll; I haven't said anything that justifies this kind of backlash," Yuuto retorted to Hiyori, his response laced with mock offense.

"Fuck off, Sakurai. You're like the fatso sitting on the couch, saying how bad an athlete is for not running 100 meters in 3 seconds. I bet that Yuuno could flip you over with just his finger," Hiyori shot back sharply, her frustration evident.

"Your dear husbando, Sakkun here, just asked for my opinion, which I graciously provided. What's your problem? You on your period today?" Yuuto fired back, the tension between him and Hiyori palpable.

"T-two street cats..." Chiyoko whispered, observing the escalating verbal tiff between Yuuto and Hiyori. In her eyes, they resembled two hissing cats, with Sato; an innocent, pure puppy, awkwardly caught in the middle, trying to mediate peace between them.

Yuuto glanced back at Yuuno and Sendo.

'Certainly, he's got an edge over Sendo... But put Harvest-Boy Jr. here against his big brother...' Yuuto's mind raced, conjuring vivid memories of Shiyon's ferocity, a storm unleashed as he dealt with his juniors.

'...Organ Harvester's still the bigger threat.' Yuuto concluded.

Sendo, with a smile breaking through his fatigue, clasped Yuuno's outstretched hand. Yuuno, in a gesture of sportsmanship, hoisted him to his feet before triumphantly raising Sendo's hand into the air. The crowd erupted into another round of cheers, appreciating the display of camaraderie after such a fierce competition.

As the excitement of the match faded, the spectators began mingling, taking the opportunity to get acquainted with Yuuno. Despite the intensity of the match, Yuuno was surprisingly polite and composed during his introductions, a stark contrast to the ferocity he had displayed in the dojo.

Eventually, the crowd dispersed, each person returning to their respective classes, the thrill of the match gradually replaced by the day's usual routine. Yuuno, carrying the quiet confidence of someone who had just left a significant mark on his peers, made his way to class 3-2, ready to continue his day amidst the whispers and speculative glances of those who had witnessed his prowess.


"Sakurai-Senpai, um... did you manage to talk to the hot spring's manager? You know, to let him know we're all set to visit?"

Sato asked, dividing his focus between the conversation and the intricate decoration he was assembling.

"Of course, I have. Who do you take me for?" Yuuto replied, a mix of impatience and assurance in his voice, as he casually flipped through the club-room's diary, detailing his recent phone call to the hot springs.

"Well... I'm only asking because, uh... I sort of called him earlier by mistake, haha... And, well, when I mentioned I was from the Culture Club to the owner, he seemed... less than happy about it. Like, on the verge of going ballistic... Haha..." Sato explained, nervously chuckling as he recalled the manager's outrage, his ears still ringing from the vivid memory of the owner practically foaming at the mouth over Yuuto's earlier conversation.

"You went behind my back to check up on me, didn't you..." Yuuto remarked, a note of suspicion coloring his words as he paused in his task to adjust his glasses, eyeing Sato with a scrutinizing gaze.

"...Not exactly behind your back, more like... beside your shadow? I mean, who knew hot spring owners had such a fiery temper? I was just double-checking for, uh, educational purposes!" Sato quipped, trying to lighten the mood with a sheepish grin. 

"As your club president, it's my duty to ensure everything's running smoothly! Think of me as the mastermind behind the curtains, just checking to see that his apprentice is on the right track!" Sato concluded, trying to inject a bit of humor and grandiosity into his justification.

"Haaah... Whatever," Yuuto sighed, his patience thinning.

'That old geezer snitched on me to my junior club president. He better pray to GOD I don't uncover any NTR stuff about him,' Yuuto silently seethed, plotting his mental revenge against the hot spring's manager.

"Are you looking forward to our weekly outing?" Sato pressed, the room filled with just their presence and the hum of their resumed work.

Yuuto turned to Sato, "The idea of visiting a hot spring early, just to familiarize ourselves with the place and ensure our group blends in seamlessly next month? Not particularly," Yuuto admitted with a sigh.

"But think about it, we'll probably get to enjoy it before anyone else does! Plus, it'll really help when everyone else comes along, we'll be so knowledgeable of everything - everyone will really appreciate it!" Sato argued, his optimism undimmed.

Yuuto remained silent, unimpressed.

'This really starts to tick me off, this facade. It's more irritating than when an ugly bastard pretending that he's a good man in front of a crowd.' Yuuto thought.

"All this effort for the group, huh? Be honest, it's all just for your own ego and comfort, isn't it? Or do you actually buy into this farce that you care about anyone other than yourself?"

Yuuto finally voiced out, his skepticism heavy in the air.

"...Sakurai-senpai," Sato began, halting his decorative endeavor to address the question, "Let's head up to the rooftop. Remember, I mentioned wanting to have a chat with you earlier," He shifted, fully facing Yuuto now.

"And why would we do that?" Yuuto questioned, propping himself on his elbow, visibly unenthused by the idea.

"It's about certain things... This spot just doesn't feel suitable for what I want to talk about. Plus, the sun won't set for another two hours. It's nice and warm outside." Sato explained, glancing around the cluttered club room, implying the need for a more secluded and appropriate setting for what was on his mind.

"This isn't a scene from an anime, Sato. Whatever you have to say, you can say it here."

"No. It has to be on the rooftop. The feel is right up there," Sato insisted, his tone firmer this time.

"I'm not walking all the way up there just for you to lecture me," Yuuto countered, standing his ground.

"Then I'll complain to the principal about you."

"You wouldn't dare." Yuuto's response was dismissive, confident in his assessment of Sato's character.

'You've got too much at stake to play that card, you schemer,' he thought.

"You're right, I wouldn't. But could you please just come with me? Pretty please? With a pile of bon-bons? And a cherry on top? And cream? And... bones?"


"Yeah, you know, because cream is white, and so are bones!" Sato explained, somehow finding logic in his chaotic plea.

Yuuto let out a heavy sigh, the weight of resignation clear in his demeanor.

"Fine," he eventually blurted out. With a reluctant push from his seat, he stood up. "Make it quick."

'Maybe I'll be able to build a better profile on him after hearing him out,' Yuuto thought.

Together, they made their way out of the club room, heading towards the rooftop in silent agreement.