80 - Fresh Cut

[AUTHOR HERE! HELLO! It's been a while! To kick things off, here's an awesome fanart of Yuuto made by @Discipline in our Discord server:]


[And with that, I hope you enjoy the chapter!]

It was early morning, and Anti-NTR Man had just woken from what felt like two months of peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

"Guess the author was busy writing some cuckold fantasy novel," Yuuto muttered to himself, stretching as he rose from the bed. For a moment, he almost forgot about his countless self-insert fanfics where he always played the hero, uncucking some poor sap.

Yawning, he shuffled to the nearby bathroom, preparing to slap his wig back on.

'Ah,' he paused, holding the adhesive just above his head. 'My hair's grown quite a bit... Hmm...' He studied his reflection, running a hand through his longer locks. 'And since people already saw my short hair and physique, sticking this wig back on will just raise more questions...'

"Well, shit," Yuuto sighed, realizing his 'secret identity' wasn't so secret anymore. 'Maybe it's time to ditch the wig.'

'I mean, worst case, I could always rock a bald cap instead when I go on Anti-NTR submissions,' he thought, a smirk tugging at his lips. 'A big part of my cover's already blown... But I might as well keep the hair neat. I'm metrosexual, after all. Can't be fighting NTR antagonists without looking good,' he mused, pulling a hair-cutting machine from the cabinet.

'I mean, I look good all the time, but...,' he scrutinized his reflection as he carefully trimmed his hair in front of the mirror, finishing up swiftly and cleaning up after himself.

'No harm in going the extra mile,' he reasoned, running his fingers through his freshly cut hair. 'Same principle as avoiding injuries in a fight, as I decided a while ago.'

With a nod of approval to his reflection, Yuuto turned and exited the bathroom, heading back to his room to grab his fake glasses. After slipping them on, he returned to the bathroom for a final inspection.

"Perfect," he muttered with a confident smirk, admiring his appearance.

"I'm back, baby."



[Background music fades out :) ]

"Now then..." Yuuto muttered, taking a deep breath as he turned around. "... Time to kick the manipulator out," he sighed, stepping out of the bathroom and heading downstairs.

Before long, he found himself in the living room, where Sato lay sprawled on the couch, fast asleep as the soft light of the weekend morning filtered in through the garden windows.

----------- LAST NIGHT ----------------

"H-hey... Sakurai-Senpai," Sato mumbled, huddled on the front entrance porch.

"What the hell are you doing here, Manipulator?" Yuuto spat, his tone sharp as he walked up to the door, brushing past Sato without breaking stride.

"W-well... haha, I thought we could have a nice sleepover and—" Sato stammered, but before he could finish, Yuuto slammed the door in his face, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Go home. Or better yet, go anywhere that's not here. Considering how you probably get beaten up to a bloody pulp at home, I'll settle for that." Yuuto's voice echoed from inside the house.

"A-ah, wait a minute!" Sato called out, scrambling to his feet and knocking on the door. "I-I couldn't think of anywhere else to go! Your house was the closest, so—"

"Bullshit." Yuuto interjected, "You've got your heroine's house near yours. You could've manned up and gone there." He spat out, causing Sato to freeze mid-knock, his breath hitching.

"Heck, after everything that went down tonight, she probably would've spread her legs for you if you showed up right now." Yuuto concluded.

"... That's...!" Sato began to protest, but the words died in his throat, leaving only silence.

Sato's hand dropped to his side as he stared at the ground, the weight of Yuuto's words sinking in.

"Look, you're not fooling anyone. Everyone with half a brain can see you two have something going on. If you go to her tonight, your love-story arc will be wrapped up—nicely, even. Take it from your senpai. That's all I have to say. I won't speak to you again." Yuuto finished with a sigh, turning away from the door, heading deeper into the house.

"I won't," Sato declared, his voice suddenly bold. The intensity in his tone was something Yuuto had never heard from him before. Gone were the formality and shy undertones—replaced by a resolute, almost chilling certainty.

'... Hm?' Yuuto's curiosity piqued, and he took a few steps back, eyeing Sato's eerily still silhouette through the door.

"It would be imperfect if I did that," Sato continued, his voice firm and sharp.

"... Imperfect?" Yuuto echoed, his interest now fully captured.

"Imperfect," Sato repeated, his impatience clear in the clipped way he spoke.

Yuuto hesitated for a moment before opening the door fully, leaning outside to get a better look at Sato.

He studied Sato's face, noting the unsettling blankness in his eyes—almost dead, devoid of the usual warmth or nervousness.

Yuuto narrowed his eyes, "Do tell," He casually asked.

'The way he's talking now... and how he used that knife earlier and stabbed someone... I need to make sure this guy isn't a complete psychopath,' <---- A psychopath that hides under a fake persona who literally killed someone earlier this night.

"Hikki is the only thing in my life that's worth anything," Sato began, his voice steady, almost reverent. "If I'm going to confess, it's going to be like something out of a fairy tale—something that fits her. A confession as beautiful as she is, after hours of being nurtured and perfected. I already see it in my mind, and I'll make it happen," he explained, his brows furrowing as his voice deepened into a growl. "That's why I won't go to her house in the middle of the night to fuck her like some cheap whore. Not like some trashed-up punk from this godforsaken school. I won't take your advice, Sakurai," he spat, his eyes narrowing into a cold glare aimed directly at Yuuto's calm demeanor.


"... -Senpai," Sato added, his tone softening back to its usual gentleness, as if the sharpness from moments before had never existed.

"... You just let your true personality slip, you bastard," he commented.

"What are you talking about, Sakurai-senpai?" Sato tilted his head, his usual tenderness creeping back into his voice. "Either way, can you please let me in..? I really don't have anywhere else to go. At least not until tomorrow."

Yuuto remained silent, taking a few seconds to scrutinize him.

"You do realize that's just you being selfish, right? You're letting your insecurities control you rather than considering her feelings," Yuuto stated bluntly.

"You're wrong... It isn't selfish," Sato countered, his voice firm. "Hikki deserves more. She hasn't had the easiest life..." His gaze dropped, his expression somber.

"She... she deserves a proper confession, where everything is magical. Where everything is right. Where, just for a minute or two, she doesn't have to live in the real world," Sato explained, his voice softening as if he were speaking more to himself than to Yuuto.

"Then you'll never confess. Perfection doesn't exist, especially not when you're not me," Yuuto sighed, his tone tinged with resignation.

"I disagree. I will confess. It will happen. You don't have to agree with me," Sato replied, his determination unwavering. "I know her better than anyone else, including you, senpai. I know what's best for her, and I'm good enough to make it happen," he declared with conviction.

"Don't decide for me what's better. Senpai or not, my relationship with her is up to me," Sato continued, his voice steady and assertive. "... And I've resolved; she WILL be mine. Hikki is JUST mine."

Yuuto remained unfazed, his gaze locked on Sato, analyzing him with a calm, unwavering stare.

"Anyway, can I come in now? It's a little cold," Sato asked again, his tone reverting back to its usual softness.

"... Give me a few minutes," Yuuto finally replied, before slamming the door shut once more.

Sato stood quietly outside, looking around, tapping his foot on the ground, and glancing up at the starry night sky, slightly marred by the city's light pollution.

About five minutes passed before Yuuto opened the door again, this time fully, allowing Sato to enter.

"Sleep on the couch," Yuuto said curtly as he closed the door behind him.

"I was wondering what you were doing when you told me to wait..." Sato muttered, looking around the immaculate living room. "Everything is so clean..." he remarked, his eyes widening at the spotless condition of the house, not a speck of dust in sight.

"... I touch grass, manipulator," Yuuto said with a dismissive wave as he started walking upstairs, leaving Sato to make his way to the living room. There, sheets, a pillow, and a blanket were neatly arranged on the couch, ready for him.

"And you even set up a place for me... That's... really nice of you, senpai—"

"You fuck off first thing in the morning!!!" Yuuto shouted, his voice echoing down the stairs as he reached the top and entered his room.

Sato sighed, a resigned smile tugging at his lips as he settled onto the couch. "Sure, sure..." he muttered softly.

-------------------------------------- PRESENT -------------------

'... At least he doesn't stain the couch like the last main character,' Yuuto mused, recalling Haruto's tearful nights on the same couch as he glanced at the peacefully sleeping Sato.

'Either way, time to kick him out,' he resolved, stomping toward Sato with purpose.

Sato didn't stir, even as Yuuto's footsteps thundered across the floor.

Yuuto took a deep breath, raising his hand above his own head, ready to deliver a rather... Sharp wake-up call onto Sato's head.

'Wakey, wakey...!!—'

[DING-DONG] The doorbell rang, startling Yuuto just before his slap could land on Sato's cheek.

"Ahh, wha..." Sato mumbled groggily, his eyes fluttering open to see Yuuto standing over him, palm poised mid-air.

"Tsk," Yuuto clicked his tongue in annoyance as he turned his attention to the entrance door.

"Ahh...? Sakurai-senp—"

[DING-DONG] The doorbell rang again, cutting off Sato's sentence.

"Damn it, who is it!?" Yuuto growled as he marched to the entrance, peering through the peephole.

'... Are you... kidding me right now?' he thought as he spotted the pink-haired girl waiting outside, a steamy pot in her hands, her gaze turned backward. A car idled just behind her.

Yuuto recognized the car instantly. It was her mother's, the same one that used to ferry him and the others home.

"Oh? Who is it, Sakurai-senpai?" Sato asked with a yawn as he got up, curiosity evident in his sleepy eyes.

'... Normally, I'd pretend I'm not home... But with her mom waiting outside and the main character inside, I can't exactly ignore it... Ugh..!' he thought with irritation as he reluctantly opened the door.

Surprised, the pink-haired girl quickly snapped her attention to Yuuto.


"Oh... Uh... H-hi...! Senpai...!! G-good morning!" Chiyoko stammered, her face lighting up with a bright smile. The pot in her hands was still steaming.

"You..." Yuuto began, but he paused as his gaze shifted upward, catching sight of her mom waving at him from the car.

Lowering his eyes back to Chiyoko, Yuuto remembered Sakura's advice: [Be Nicer!]

"... Good morning," he murmured, his voice barely audible as he scratched his cheek, averting his gaze.

"Ah..!" Chiyoko gasped, caught off guard by the softness in his voice. Seizing the moment as he looked away, she took the chance to study him more closely.

'... Seeing Senpai up close like this...' she thought, scrutinizing his face, which seemed unexpectedly shy and somewhat flustered.

'He's... really handsome, isn't he?' she realized with a gulp, her heart skipping a beat. 'Almost like a Korean model... Woah... I don't think he loses to Shizume-senpai or even Shiyon-san...' She swallowed hard again, noticing the smoothness of his skin, the sharpness of his jawline, the lack of wrinkles around his eyes; And dear lord, those muscles... So clearly visible through his rather thin white t-shirt... Then, just as she was lost in her thoughts, he glanced back at her, his gaze piercing.

She immediately dropped her eyes with a sharp intake of breath, realizing she'd been staring.

"A-anyway...!!" she blurted, raising the pot a little higher, her face reddening further. "M-m... My mom... made this... Uh... We didn't really know how to say thank you... So... This is from her... J-just from her... C-curry... It's really tasty... How she makes it..." she murmured, her eyes glued to the floor.

'W-why am I like this right now?!' Chiyoko's thoughts raced, her breath shaky. 'Yesterday, I was bold enough to hold onto him… What's wrong with me now?!'

"... I'll take it. Thanks," Yuuto replied flatly, lightly grasping both lids of the pot. His fingers brushed against hers in the process, causing her face to flush even deeper.

'I don't even like curry. Unless it's Mom's ramen, everything else sucks ass,' Yuuto thought to himself as he glanced at the flustered girl.

'... But I guess I don't need to tell her that,' he thought, turning around and heading back into the house.

'Come on, Chiyoko! Say something!! He's... he's leaving!' she panicked internally, her gaze dropping to the ground.

"... Hey," Yuuto suddenly said, stopping just before he stepped inside, cutting through her spiraling thoughts.

'... It's me. I knew I was going to save her. There was never any doubt about that.'

'But for a second... for just a fleeting moment, I thought I might actually miss that bastard.'

'One mistake,' he reflected.

'One mistake, and no one would've rung my bell today... The door mat would've been slightly cleaner.'

'I don't even know this girl, nor do I particularly care. But... she was my responsibility yesterday. And, like in my Terms of Service, I need to see this case through. I have to make sure that the misfortune really ends here. I might not have gotten paid for this one, but it's still something I chose to do.'

"You... are you okay? From yesterday," Yuuto asked, his voice firm as he stopped in place, his back still faced to her.

In an instant, her eyes widened, and she lunged forward, wrapping her arms tightly around Yuuto's lower abdomen.

"Hey...!" Yuuto called out, slightly startled by her sudden embrace, holding tightly onto the pot's lids, making sure it doesn't fall.

"... I am now," she whispered softly against his back.


'... How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?' Yuuto thought, standing rigid as he held the pot, his stance unyielding despite her grip. Just then, an idea popped into his head as she nuzzled against his broad back; and as Sato came into view.

"I'll have you know, I'm gay," Yuuto suddenly announced.

"Liar," she said slyly, tightening her grip around him. "We've already established you're a sexual predator and a lolicon."

"No, seriously. Look over there," Yuuto responded, nodding towards Sato, who was awkwardly scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "Ahaha... Hey there, Chiyoko-chan!" Sato called out cheerfully, giving a small wave.

"Shizume... Senpai?" Chiyoko whispered, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Yeah," Yuuto confirmed. "Me and manipu—... Sato here just spent a hot night all by ourselves. You're really not going to get anywhere with what you're trying here."

"... Is it true, Shizume-senpai?" she asked, tilting her head as she leaned even closer into Yuuto.

"That's true, Chiyoko-chan. I spent the night here," Sato affirmed with a smile.

"... But he's in love with Hicchi-senpai. He wouldn't do anything with you," Chiyoko stated casually, causing Sato to flinch.

"C-CHIYOKO-CHAN, THAT'S...!!" Sato stammered, his heart skipping a beat.

Yuuto shot Sato a knowing, slightly mocking glance, as if to say, 'See? Everyone fucking knows.'

"Well, he would if it's with me," Yuuto said, turning his head slightly to glance back at Chiyoko. "I'm just that charming," he added with a sly, almost wicked smile.

'Why is he smiling like he just scammed someone...?' Sato wondered, watching the exchange with a mix of confusion and discomfort.

Chiyoko remained silent for a few moments, her expression contemplative as she studied Yuuto's mischievous smirk. She kept her hold on him tight, unrelenting in the slightest.

"I know," she finally said, her voice steady as she smiled warmly, a blush creeping across her cheeks. "I think you're very charming, Senpai."

Yuuto's eyelids widened slightly, his grin faltering. After locking eyes with her for a brief second, he quickly looked away, feeling an unfamiliar twinge in his chest.

'Damn it, what is with this runt?! One moment she's shy like the Virgin Mary, and the next, it's like she's gained experience after hooking up with 10 million guys... MAKE UP YOUR MIND!'

'Also, wasn't she also crushing on Manipulator!!? Come oooon!! Be all : "S-ss-s-s-s-s--s-s-hizume-kyun kyaaaa~~!!! *She hurriedly lets go of mwah (me)* "This isn't what you think ii--i-i-i-it is jj-j-j-j-just... i w-w-w--as worried and...!!" And then she'd push me out of the way, making me spill the soup her mama worked so hard to make; WAS YOUR LOVE FOR YOUR BOY-CRUSH SO WEAK!!!?' Yuuto internally fumed.

"Ah~!" A familiar voice boomed through the opened door.

"What a pleasant surprise, seeing all of my kohais getting along <3. And oh, this touch of scandal, isn't it lovely... Miss Chiyoko's mom?" Shiyon teased as he strolled in alongside Chiyoko's mother, casually walking into Yuuto's home.

Yuuto carefully turned around, balancing the pot in his hands as Chiyoko clung to him, refusing to let go.

"And that's another count of invading my personal space, harvester. Who the hell invited you into my house?" Yuuto quipped, his tone dripping with irritation as Shiyon made himself at home.

"Oh?" Shiyon raised an eyebrow, a look of feigned surprise crossing his face as he took another step forward. "In that case, Chiyokocchi, you should leave immediately. Trespassing is bad, you know," he scolded lightly, his tone playful.

"I'm exempt from that," she shot back with a deadpan expression.

"You're really not, runt," Yuuto countered flatly.

"Hmmph!" she pouted, tightening her grip around him even more.

"Dear me...~~~~~ <3" Shiyon chuckled, clearly amused. "I never thought you had that side to you, Chiyokocchi~ Good for you!" He bent slightly to her height, his teasing tone making her hide further behind Yuuto, her face turning bashful as she looked away.

"Oh, come on, Shiyon-chan, you shouldn't tease my daughter like that!" Chiyoko's mom chided gently as she approached. "And... Sakurai-kun, right?" she said, turning her attention to Yuuto.

".... Yes. What's up?" Yuuto replied, his tone softening slightly, his gaze less intense as he looked at her.

'Oh...' Chiyoko, Shiyon, and Sato all thought simultaneously, taken aback by the change in his voice.

"I'm very sorry for intruding, but Shiyon-chan suggested we all eat together. Is it okay if we have our meal here...? Of course, I'll clean up everything and take care of the plates!" she suggested warmly.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it, ma'am," Yuuto agreed. "It is your food, after all."

'I didn't even notice it yesterday...' Sato thought, observing Yuuto closely.

'... But he's really soft with her mother.' Even Chiyoko glanced up in curiosity, noticing the almost tender expression on Yuuto's face.

"Amazing! Then, I'll prepare the table. Do you mind?" she asked with a warm smile.

"No, ma'am. Just let me know if you can't find anything," Yuuto replied, stepping aside to let her pass.

"Thank you!" she said, taking the curry pot from Yuuto and hurrying to the kitchen.

".. Ara~" Shiyon teased as he drew near Yuuto.

"Does somebody have a mommy crush~~~? Chiyokocchi might have some unexpected competition~" he added playfully, causing Chiyoko to pout, though her curiosity about Yuuto's answer was evident.

"... Treasure your parents," Yuuto said quietly but firmly, his gaze fixed on her. Even the usually mocking Shiyon was taken aback, his smirk faltering slightly.

"Especially ones like those," Yuuto added with a sigh, gently removing Chiyoko's hands from around him. She didn't resist, instead looking up at him in awe.

Leaning in closer to Shiyon, Yuuto's expression hardened. "But me and you—we need to talk," he whispered, his eyes locking onto Shiyon's. His mind flashed back to the bloody look Shiyon had last night, the involvement of Sakura and his underlings in the club, and the long conversation Shiyon had with the police.

"A serious talk," Yuuto emphasized, his voice almost a growl.

"My..." Shiyon responded eerily, "I love it when we agree on things..."

"... Sakurai-chun," he added, matching Yuuto's intensity with an uncanny yet subtle smile.

"Huh..?" Chiyoko hummed, glancing between the two of them.

"But later," Shiyon concluded, his tone abruptly cheerful. "Mom~ I'll go help <3" he called out, breezing past Yuuto with a grin.

"Hmph," Yuuto grunted as he turned in the opposite direction, focusing on setting up the table.

------------------------------------ ELSEWHERE ----------------

"They all got taken down by the MD-01?" Yuuno exhaled sharply, his fingers massaging his temples in frustration.

"Yes, sir. The INK boys took them on and won."

"That's bullshit." Yuuno's voice dropped, laced with disbelief. "You expect me to believe that gorilla and his ragtag groupie managed to wipe them out? They're Black Letter outcasts, for fuck's sake. They're not pushovers. There's no way those pathetic INKs took them down, not without some serious help."

"So... what's the plan now?"

Yuuno's eyes narrowed, a cold determination hardening his expression. "The plan? The plan is simple: if you want something done right, you do it yourself." He rose from his chair, stepping hard and firm on the ground.

"I'm going to show you all how it's done. Everyone's become so damn dependent on this shit, they've forgotten what true power looks like. My vision? A world where we won't need this crutch..." He moved towards a nearby table, the dim light of the room catching the edge of a transparent bag labeled 'FD-01.'

"But to get there, we still need it—for now. And once we've used it to its full potential, I'll show you the real way to dominate someone's mind. The drug is just the spark; the true power lies in making someone crave you, not the drug."

He paused, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I'll show you all how to get someone addicted to you, not just to a substance."

"But it has to be perfect. It has to be someone who won't surrender easily. That way, our influence will be absolute," he continued, setting the drug aside and scrolling through his phone, stopping at a particular picture.

"And after some research, I've found the perfect subject," he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he studied the image intensely for a few seconds.

"... But that's for later," he sighed, tucking his phone away.

"For now... I want to make that retarded brother of mine... pay. Pay for turning Aniki into such a soft-bitch... and for mocking me," he growled, the image of Sendo flashing in his mind.

"... I'll show him what true despair really looks like."