Chapter 355: The Star-Crossed Lovers

It's said that once a female employee who had worked here, because she was so attached to her job, would always come to clean the sinks in the dead of night after she had committed suicide.

In this society, no matter the era, almost every school or every workplace has these kinds of legends, more or less.

About pits of thousands of people, about long-haired women in white clothes without eyes....

Lijing Ho was no exception.

There were always male employees who liked to use this story to scare the new female employees.

Of course, the guests wouldn't know this.

Gu Qiaoqiao heard about it three years later.

It was Sister Li who told her.

When she spoke, it was with a feeling of helplessness mixed with anger.

It was a female employee from the cleaning crew who, finding herself at an impasse, jumped hand in hand with her former fiancé into the Tianshui River on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.