Episode 64


Ame yelped as she took her dress off. Boy was she glad that Eddie had to go to the temple today. She didn't want to be fretted over because of this.

Willie barked, gently licking her wrist. Uh, maybe she had jinxed herself by thinking that.

She knelt down and patted him. "I'm alright, Willie."

He tilted his head, eyeing her with his big eyes like he had done since he was a puppy. She could still recall the day when her dad got him.


[ 'Era of the Holy Roman Empire']

"Violett, Violett! Are you listening?" a voice called out.

Ame, or Violett as she was known at the time, glanced up at the older girl glaring at her. "What's wrong, Sis?"

Her sister huffed. "So, you weren't listening to me at all. Were you in your fantasy world or something?"