Episode 88


The taste of the Marino's Delight brought back memories. Memories of a time when life was simpler, when Star's biggest concern was learning new things and playing with his siblings. 

Since Hannah and the big kids didn't know how to sign, Star and En taught them while Noh did it as part of his preschool.

One of the first things we did was colors. It was a simple thing, but Star had fun and he got to see his cub smile.

It was just Star, Noah, En, Del, and Chan that day since Hannah and their sisters went to the store. They were in the living room, so they could comfortably spread out. Chan sat on the couch while the rest of the kids were on the floor.

Chan smiled at Noah. "Are you excited to do school like a big boy?"

Noah jumped off the floor a little. "Super excited!"

Chan laughed. "You sound ready."

Del was rocking back and forth. "I'm happy to not have to do school at a table.