Episode 119

When Arthur stepped into Collin's room, the boy's flushed face was covered in dried tears.

The man frowned. Did he have a nightmare overnight? How did he and Fawn miss it?

Arthur used a cloth on the nearby nightstand to wipe the boy's face. "Collin." Arthur gently shook him awake. The child didn't react. He tried again but to no avail.

He then attempted to lift the boy from the bed. That caused Collin's eyelids to flutter before they finally opened.

Art gasped. The boy's eyes looked weird. He rubbed his back. "How do feel this morning?"

"Darkness..." he mumbled.

"It's morning. Is the light hurting your eyes?"

He closed his eyes. "Everything is dark."

He blinked. The kid had always been weird, but today he was taking it to a whole other level.

Art frowned. He sense something akin to a nightmare lingering on the boy's mind. Taking a deep breath, he set the boy back down and tapped his head.