Chapter 16

With a light hum, I walk through the streets of Kyoto, bathed in the early morning light.

Clear skies today, just the right amount of breeze.

You know what that means?

Perfect day to ambush one of the Five Principal Clans!

Well, I say ambush, but all I'm going to do is walk up to their compound and knock on the door.

Of course, I came prepared! Brought my sword hidden in a shinai bag, just in case.

After all, I recall Uzume mentioned that my Dad met these guys before, and the way it was framed, I don't exactly think that meeting ended joyously.

I would have brought Uzume or Kuroka along with me, but Uzume is still knocked the fuck out.

And bringing Kuroka is just asking to get my fade run on, that's like double heretical to them!

Although, maybe I could make it only heretical to them if I could find a way to turn Kuroka back from being a Devil.

Unreincarnate her, is that the term?

Hmm. That's an idea. Still wouldn't stop them from being dicks about her being a Yokai, but that's what my sword is for if they push it, no?

Not like I actually give a damn what they think in the first place, just didn't think bringing her would be a good first impression.

But, beyond that, turning Kuroka back into a pure Yokai might help get the Underworld off her ass, too.

An interesting idea, though admittedly I have no fucking clue how I'd go about it.

Need to talk with her about that once I get back.

Also, going to have to talk about finally revealing herself to Koneko. Since I finally got her to open up, that time is approaching as well.

Shaking off those thoughts, I continue my lackadaisical walk across Kyoto.

Specifically, I'm making sure to head to the South Side of Kyoto.

Because that is where the Himejima Clan compound is located.

Unfortunately, I can't ambush all the Clans at once, as each clan makes a specific 'direction' in the city their territory, so to speak.

The Himejima Clan of the Southern Guardian, Vermillion Bird.

The Kushihashi Clan of the Eastern Guardian, Azure Dragon.

The Doumon Clan of the Northern Guardian, Black Tortoise.

The Shinra Clan of the Western Guardian, White Tiger.

And lastly, but certainly not least, the Nakiri Clan of the Center Guardian, Yellow Dragon.

Technically speaking, when the Five Clans need to act as one, it's the Nakiri who usually represent them, but otherwise, each clan may as well be a separate entity.

With distinct traditions, worship of specific gods, training regimes, and so forth.

Though they are still bound by their shared exalting of the Shinto Gods beyond all others, of course.

If I wanted to be practical about who I choose to visit, the best choice would probably be Nakiri.

Not only do they tend to represent the Clans as a whole, but they are also the laxest traditionally, shockingly enough.

It's such a small difference when spoken, but the Nakiri teach and practice Onmyoudou, Shinto, and Shugendou Magics.

Onmyoudou also has stuff related to Buddhist and Taoist practices, so they branch out quite a bit!

Compare that to say, the Himejima, who would throw you out for practicing just Buddhist Magic.

Hell, from what Uzume gathered, the Nakiri still have ties to the Bureau of Onmyō despite the fact the other Clans cut them out when the Imperial Family stopped exerting its influence over them.


With all that being said, it's actually why I decided against going there, at least right this second.

The Nakiri are slowly on their way to growing out of the rest of Clans hardline traditional bullshit.

The new head, the current host of the Yellow Dragon, is a young but good guy. If I recall correctly, he wanted to make some vampire girl one of his wives.

A vampire.

The balls on that kid.

Yeah, they'll be fine.

It's the Himejima Clan I'm most worried about.

They are the most hardline traditionalists in the Clans. Even with the current Suzaku heading them the way she is, clan structures tend to favor the 'wisdom' and 'guidance' of the elders.

The people who hold significant influence in the Clan, and who I have no doubt are pushing back hard against the direction Suzaku wants to take the Clan in.

And Suzaku's taking over of the Clan only happened very recently, as in only within the last few years or so.

The former head, a stubborn old fuck by the name of Suou Himejima, was only ousted from the position after his deal with the Gremory Family came out over Akeno, and his poor handling of the Utsesumi Agency four years ago.

Even then, he kept his position for another year, and past that he's still alive, still an elder, still in a position of power.

Completely wild to me.

And what with this whole thing with the Grigori being disbanded, and Team Slash/Dog being fully incorporated under the Shinto banner, I can only assume the members of the Clan have some…opinions.

Which Suzaku has to deal with. All at the same time.

Poor girl.

And, not going to lie, but I do feel slightly responsible for the stress likely thrown upon her.

I figure if, beyond everything else I set out to do here, I could also help her out.

That would be nice.

And no. Not doing this because her nickname may as well be Better Akeno. She already has a thing for Tobio, and I'm not into NTR.

Even if that dark, devilish voice in the back of my head says Tobio doesn't return her feelings, that's incomplete information.

It's been four years since the events of those Light Novels. I seriously doubt his relationships are that stagnant.


She also said she was going to marry him back then, and from what I've heard and what Uzume gathered, she is still single, supposedly.

I nearly stopped walking and slapped myself in the middle of the street at that thought.

No. No NTR. Bad Nori.

But if…

No. Keep walking. She's hot, but you still don't know her personally.

No harem unless Kuroka approves, and you, you know, catch feelings?

By the way, another thing I need to talk to Kuroka about still, damn. Keep forgetting to bring that stuff up.

Not that I think she'd have a problem with it.

Something something, 'sister wives' I bet.

Okay, now I'm just rambling about shit in my head.

Time to pick up the pace!

Taking a quick look around, I find no one close enough or looking in my general direction, and so I step into action.

Kicking off the ground at speeds a normal human would think I simply vanished, I launch myself up into the air.

My halos flash into place behind me as my upward momentum halts, and I find myself floating in the sky, eyes narrowed and looking toward my target destination.

I don't know exactly where the Himejima Clan Compound is located, but I have a general idea.

The Clans don't exactly hide away in some pocket or alternate dimension, like the Yokai City Urakyoto or what I presume the Kami Shinkai is, but that doesn't mean they are broadcasting their existence either.

With a tentative sigh, I bask in the nice weather for one more moment before beginning my search.

Steadily, I float through the sky, and for my first stop?

The Gokōnomiya Shrine.

See, each Directional Guardian is supposed to have a specific temple in Kyoto dedicated to it, headed by their Clan of course.

The Gokōnomiya Shrine isn't the Vermillion Bird's Temple, not truly, the original one was abandoned by the Himejima because they are Shinto hardasses and refused to share with Buddhists.

Regardless, this particular shrine is the one the Himejima looks after in the Vermillion Bird's name, so it only makes sense to start there.

It's not too far from where we were yesterday, near Inari's Head Shrine.

It's also a shrine dedicated to giving blessings related to childbirth.

Kuroka must never find out this place exists.

Making a point to fly there, over the Torii Gate at its entrance to not accidentally pass into another Shinkai.

So imagine my shock as I press against something regardless.

And slowly pass through a different film, a different type of barrier.

This one felt like passing through a shield made of innumerable small rocks or chips, I could feel them part around me as I floated on through, and popped out the other side.

I blink as I stare down at the Shrine below.

Not because there's anything wrong with the shrine, no, the woodcarving dotting the structure is just as magnificent as I had heard.

Instead, it's the several dozen people staring and blinking right back at me.

And most of them are wearing what I thought is, not going to lie, Klan outfits.

Luckily, I also quickly caught the differences…but still. The hats look very similar with those long white robes.

That similarity is going to stick with me for a bit now.

Thank fuck I'm not allowed to ruminate on those thoughts.

All of a sudden, several of these guys practically leap forward onto their knees, slamming their heads to the ground, all facing me.

"Oh divine exalted Kami, please save us!" They all collectively shout to the highest of Heavens.

I merely stare at them, schooling my expression from my knee-jerk reaction of, 'the fuck?'.

What the hell did I just float into this time!?

Ah. Right.

Anime bullshit.

I floated down from the sky, and almost as soon as my feet touched the ground everyone started talking at once.

It was all a jumbled mess. The only thing I could get was that the compound was being attacked by…something.

I haven't even said a word, these guys just started going on, and on…

"Enough!" I call out, my voice rumbling above the crowd. For effect, I let a splinter of my Holy Spirit Power out as I speak.

I knew they both heard and felt me, as they all clamped their mouths shut and stood straight and still.

"Better." I huff out.

These people think I'm a Kami, which is…fair. They probably don't know the exact details of my birth.

Well. If they expect a Kami, I have no reason not to give them one, I suppose.

I eye the gathered crowd of Shinto Mystics, slowly dragging my gaze across them, drinking in their appearances.

My eyes stop as they land on someone who looks significantly fancier than the rest, gold and red cloth interlaced with the pure white that most are wearing.

I point to him, "You." He flinched and stood straighter, somehow. "Tell me what's going on, succinctly."

"Yes, my L-Lord!" He stutters quickly, before taking a deep breath, and beginning, "It's started ever since Lady Suzaku left on business a couple of days ago! A Fallen Angel, one of those scum," he bit out with hate, "attacked the Clan Compound, killing a select few and injuring badly any who tried to stop him."

Lady Suzaku? Ah, so these are Himejima Clan members then? Good.

"Ever since then, he'd return every night, at a very specific time, and repeat the process. He's been terrorizing us for days!"

He practically throws himself at my feet, grabbing my pants leg as he looks up at me in sheer unbridled desperation.

"Please Lord, save us! There's no way a mere 10-winged bastard crow could fight someone who killed a Heavenly Dragon! Please!"

I cringe internally at that.

That Juggernaut Drive was nowhere near Ddraig's true power, I would have fled otherwise, but I guess on a screen it is kind of hard to tell, huh?

Honestly, I'm more surprised these guys have phones.


10-winged Fallen?

Tentatively, I ask, "Who has the Fallen mainly been targeting?"

The mystic gives a sad sigh, "Mostly our elders, and their followers…just last night, the crow tried to kill our former head! We barely managed to sneak him out!"

My eyebrow twitched at that.

How unfortunate.

"And did the Fallen use any sort of special powers beyond their light?" I follow up.

The mystic thinks for a moment more, before shaking his head, "No Lord, I don't believe so."

Huh. Really?

Well, that would have been an easy way to confirm my suspicions.

It would make sense for this to be Baraqiel exacting revenge for his wife and daughter, Holy Lightning would be an easy way to confirm it.

The targets match his motive if it is him but without exact proof, I can't say for certain.

Would certainly explain where he went after Grigori got disbanded.

"Hmm," I hum out, "I'll…look into it." I decide, prompting the guy to utter rapid thanks into the side of my leg.

And for a chorus of relieved sighs and thankfully prayers to be uttered around me.

Meanwhile, I'm conflicted.

I don't give much of a shit for these Clan Elders, for obvious reasons, all truth be told.

And it doesn't seem like whoever's attacking them is trying to destroy the clan.

If they did, they would have just killed everyone.

No, it's just the elders and their supporters, or at least so this one guy claims.

"Please let go of my legs." I sigh out, prompting the mystic to scramble back, rapidly apologizing.

I ignored him, and pressed on, "The elders, I presume they all were evacuated, yes?"

At that, he grimaced, "Er, well…No. They refused to be moved from their ancestral home," the mystic sighed, "I admire their courage, Lord Kami, but their lack of life preservation makes my job suffering."

Oh damn. Poor guy.


"So, your former head, he…?"

He nods, solemnly, "Yes. Moved right back in after we pulled him out. He refused to move elsewhere."

Fucking hilarious.

Still. Poor guy.

"Point me in the direction of the Clan Compound, and I'll check it out." I sigh, a plan already forming to ambush this guy during his timed attacks.

The mystic perked up, "Ah, of course! Right! Ah, by the way, Lord Kami, if you find anyone injured…please bring them here as soon as you can, the healing springs will hasten their recovery."

Oh yeah, this place also has those as well. Neat.

I'll make a note of that just in case I need to visit. Probably won't need to because I have a healing factor, but who knows?

Ah. One more thing!

"By the way, my name…" I trail off in thought.

What name do I use for this? My Kami name would fit more with the whole godly image, but my real name is still my real name.

"Noriaki." I decided, "Just call me Noriaki, or Kusanagi if you must be so formal."

"Right, Lord Kusanagi!" He bows to me in response.

Huh. You know, you'd think I'd start feeling off about being called 'Lord' this, and that, and such.

But I don't dislike it.

In fact, I kind of like it.

That sounds like something an upcoming anime villain would say, isn't it?

But fuck it. It sounds good to me.

Shortly thereafter, the mystic points me in the direction of the compound.

It is at the southern tip of Kyoto, right at the border so to speak.

Makes sense, feel stupid for not thinking of it sooner.

I asked a few other questions, like the exact time when the attacks happened, who in totality has been killed and injured, and so forth.

Several of the mystics present started praying to me specifically, right as I was leaving.

It was strange because I could feel it, but not hear what they were praying for exactly.

The act made the miniature sun in my chest throb, it didn't grow stronger or anything, at least I couldn't notice anything, but it did feel weird.

Is there a handbook or instruction manual for Kami? Or is my existence just that different that there isn't one?


With that cheery thought, and a sigh as the sun in my chest throbs more, I leave several praying mystics behind, and fly off towards the Himejima Clan Compound.

~ A New Sun ~

The Vermillion Bird represents fire. The midday. Summer. The color red.

Burning passion for life, when it thrives most under my mother's sun.

And yet, as I float before the crimson gates of the clan compound, the atmosphere, the weather?

It all feels like shit.

Getting here, once I knew exactly where it was, wasn't difficult.

The only barriers around this place were the ones put up to keep mundane humans out.

If there were any protective barriers, they are surely long gone now.

The sun still easily breaks through into this place, but it feels like it's filtered through a gloomy film.

This weakened light is beaten down upon a sprawling but empty compound, dotted with crimson buildings of old Japanese architecture for as far as the eyes can see.

The grass, trees, and flowers seem to be in a perpetual state of full summer bloom, filling the gardens bountifully.

And yet, beyond all that, the few trashed buildings that look like they just exploded make the place seem all the more desolate.

Nearly haunting.

I float down to the gate doors, embroidered with the Symbol of the Vermillion Bird, and easily push them open.

No guards, no defenses.

The place feels like a ghost town, but with my meager sensing abilities, I know there are people here, albeit few.

With a deep sigh, I land on the ground lightly and start walking.

But it's a slow, thoughtful walk. Towards the largest, grandest building in the compound.

At the southern end of the compound, I can see it, even from here. It looks almost like a shrine, it's where I can feel those life signatures, albeit barely.

I'm taking my time, partly because I'm not too sure what I want to do here.

Do I just ignore the people there, wait for night to fall, and for the Fallen to arrive?

Or do I go in, and have a chat while I wait?

I'll be honest, I get the feeling if I do go in, I'll do something stupid. Incredibly stupid.

Like, kill the fuckers in there myself levels of stupid.

But a part of me can't help but think, why?

Why be such a trash human being that you'd throw out your sister? Chase and try and murder a child? After you just killed the child's mother…

I stopped walking, and released a deep breath, pulling back my raging power, which was leaving melted stone steps in my wake as I walked.

I get the intense feeling I won't like the answer.

But that isn't how I wanted my first meeting with the Clan to go.

I doubt Suzaku would like that all too much, even if it would ultimately be a favor to her.

And yet.

My feet pick up their pace, heading toward the building once more.

My father came here once, didn't he?

He came to all the clans, once.

I don't know what he did.

But whatever he did, didn't work.

Canon still occurred. Whatever he did, didn't stick.

The Utsusemi Agency was still formed, as the Clan threw out their members in droves.

Be blessed with a different skill? Learn a different magic?


Be born with a special tool randomly?


A child lost their mother and a family, no several families were destroyed. Continued to be.

And for what? For him to get jumped by a bunch of Fallen and Devils?

For everything he did to mean nothing!?

I didn't realize I had practically run to my destination until I reached it, my hands pushing open the double doors with ease.


I finally realized something.

That's why when Uzume mentioned him some time ago, what he was doing, was meant to do, I felt…off.

Pissed off, almost.

What was his name, again?

I do a quick search through my memory.


Well, Dad.

I don't know much about you, I was never told much.

And I didn't ask, either.

That's my fault, I suppose. Sorry.

But, I guess I'm about to find out, huh?

If you're watching me right now, give me the strength to not chop this idiot's head off the moment he speaks, alright?

Being as close as I am now, sensing where everyone was in this building was fairly easy.

My skill wasn't great, differentiating lives is something typically out of my reach for now, but you don't need to be a master to find an old soul.

An old soul, wrapped up in a layer of fire. The Shinto God of Fire's blessing.

Kagutsuchi's blessing.

I recognized it almost immediately for what it was as soon as I felt it.

And I frown as I feel how fake it is.

Don't get me wrong, it's still a genuine blessing from a Kami, I know that.

But it feels artificial. Somehow.

I don't know how to describe it perfectly. I've never even come across something like this before.

Vaguely, I recognize that those mystics from before likely had something similar, but they were weak enough, and my sensing ability was not strong enough, to pick up on it.

I shake those thoughts out of my head.

More pressing matters to attend to.

As I approach the location where I sense the old man, aptly in the building's southernmost chamber, I can feel the other life signatures fan out around the building.

I don't hear, or even see anyone else, but others are certainly around.

Still, I can tell they aren't that strong, compared to the old man anyway. If they try to ambush me, it won't turn out well for them.

Steadying myself and slowing my stride to something less stomping, I reach a set of magnificent doors, the old soul sitting just beyond.

I put my hand against the wood, and take a deep breath.

I'm not too sure what kind of man I expect to see on the other side.

But in the end, I don't think it truly matters.

I push open the doors and gingerly step in, my expression preemptively steeling itself.

I'm not shocked to find the ancient old man sitting there, already facing my direction.

Slumped forward slightly in his chair, sitting in an open-air chamber with no windows or even walls, merely red cloth curtains flowing gently in the wind.

I'm sure the place would look positively dazzling, if whatever spell over this place hadn't ruined the general atmosphere.

The old man sat at a nice redwood table, with an extra chair on the other end opposite to him.

A steaming teapot with cups is the only thing that sits on the table.

"Suou Himejima." I began, neutrally.

He gave me a bemused, once over. "...Arahitogami. Of our Lady Amaterasu Okami, no doubt. I never thought, in my old age, that I'd ever see one of you."

I blink but am not particularly surprised he knows what I am.

It would be disingenuous to call this man not learned. Cruel, for what he's done, sure.

But when you're in his position for so long, you likely pick up a lot regardless.

"I would have your proper name, boy. Then we can chat." He somehow manages to snort out softly.

I bite back an immediate snarky response, and instead state the truth, "Noriaki Kusanagi." I grit out.

He raises an aged eyebrow at that, "Not…Norihito? Huh. Curious."

Before he can add something else, I take a seat in the free chair and glare at him.

"But still, ever like your Father, aren't you?" He waves off, "Maybe not in looks, but in temperament. He came here once, marched in through the gates, didn't take no for an answer, didn't grant any due respect, didn't say his name until the end, right before he left."

"With all due respect," I say with the kindest smile, "respect isn't granted freely, but earned."

The old man merely scoffs at that. "A principle to hold, I suppose. Well…" the man's gaze turns and looks outside as he trails off for a second.

"We all, each of the Clans, and likely the Yokai as well, expected you to show up eventually." He muses, "Although I must admit, I can't tell if it's a curse or blessing, that you arrived here when you did."

"I am aware of your little Fallen problem," I state, "though I'm unsure whether or not to make it my problem as well."

"I figured as much."

He paused, reached out, and took his teacup from the table, taking a ginger sip before continuing, "Then what did you come here for? Although, I suspect I already know your reasoning."

Well. I came here, broadly, for information on Japan as a whole.

But seeing as the Clans and maybe the Youkai are expecting me for some reason, I should have bigger questions.

And yet, for this man in particular, I can only think back to my original thoughts coming here.

"Why." I utter, nearly silent as a breeze.

The old man stops midway through his next sip, and stares at me, gently lowering his cup.

"I…beg your pardon?" He tentatively responds, his befuddlement easy to feel.

"Why send your sister away?" He flinches at that, "Why kill your own? Hunt your own? Banish your own?" I hammer in, each question like a nail driven into his gut.

Flinch after flinch.

"I'm not sure what my Father came here to do exactly, said here, tried to do. But clearly?" I wave my hand to the outside, to the empty haunting compound, "It didn't work. So. Why?"

It was a strange thing, watching the sheer pain and sadness blooming in those old eyes.

And feeling no sympathy at all for the man.

"It is…tradition," the old man began, pained, "tradition that has been carried on for over a thousand years. All Clans follow it, and all Clans maintain it, in some form. For the Himejima?"

He holds a hand out to the side, a small ball of flame appearing in his hand.

"No Magic, beyond that granted by our gods. No tools of a pagan god, no other powers." He snuffs out the flame by squashing it between his fingers, "We were blessed with these gifts. We need no other, to gather otherwise would be…" he grimaces, "heretical, to our patron gods."

Ironic. Considering who he's talking to.

"And yet, when my Father came to you, with my Mother's blessing, and said otherwise…?" I'll trail the question off to him.

He snorted at that, "He implied such a thing, that what we were doing was wrong," he stressed, "but the offer he gave to fix it? To swear fealty to him and serve directly under him and the gods once more? Well. It didn't fix anything, in the end. Didn't even get a chance to tear down our traditions, before he…you know."

"I am aware." I huff, "But that's it, then?"

"Hmm?" He hummed out, befuddled once more.

"You did all of that because of tradition?" I elaborate, "That's it?"

The man didn't meet my gaze, instead focused purely on the teacup in his hands.

"Without our tradition, we are nothing." He stated solemnly.

"With your tradition, you lost family." I refute right back.

The old man cringed and gave a long sad sigh, pointedly not responding to that.

"You know," I began, dully, "the mystics over at the Gokōnomiya Shrine seem to think you're staying here out of stubbornness and tradition, but that's not it, is it?"

The old man looks further down.

When I came here, I didn't know exactly what to expect from this old man.

"You're here because you feel like you owe the Fallen attacking here something, right?"

Maybe somewhere, I expected the stereotypical angry hardline traditionalist.

One of the ones with a ten-meter-long stick up their ass, who can't get their head out the past.

But instead, as this old man finally looks up at me, eyes dull, dead, and broken, I know who I sit before.

A coward.

A coward who couldn't handle the weight of the duty his station brought.

Who knew, knew, what he was doing was wrong but didn't dare to stand up and say no!

Because of tradition. Because old men older than him would disagree.

What a fucked up situation.

"Yes." The old man murmured, "I am sure you're aware, at least somewhat, but I took the one who he loved away. Tried taking his daughter away too. Now that that man is free of his duty, he has nothing left but revenge I suppose."

So it is Baraqiel.

And that's a lie. He still has a daughter to make amends with.

"So you're offering yourself up?"

He nods, "I managed to convince the other elders to go to the Five Clans Inner Sanctuary and seek refuge there. I, and the most stubborn of brats, are all that remain."

I hum at that. "I'm shocked that Suzaku hasn't come back to fix this mess herself yet."

"Hah!" The old man chortles, "Are you kidding? This can only help strengthen her position. It wouldn't shock me if she was intentionally dragging her feet on getting back. Beyond that, she probably still holds a grudge against me specifically!" He takes another much longer sip this time.

I tilt my head. She would? Why?

"Ah," he waves me off, "Some four years ago, I had a marriage interview with the brat she wanted to marry. I shot it down after."

Oh. That's what happened with Tobio and Suzaku's marriage here, huh?

"What happened?" I asked quizzically.

"The boy didn't love her back." He shrugged.

I winced at that.

Sounds like Tobio alright.

Does that mean they've been doing harem shenanigans for the past four years?


Finishing his tea, the old man placed his cup back on the counter and sighed.

"Well, boy? What are you going to do now? I don't presume you harbor any notion of saving me," He sighs out, "so I'm dead either way. I suppose the question is, by your hand? Or the Fallen?"

He suddenly chuckles mirthlessly, "Back in the day, when your father did show up, he chopped off the heads of several elders and nearly took the necks of three of the heads for what they did. So here's a better question, I suppose."

He looks directly at me, "Are you going to do what your father did, all those years ago?"

"No." Was my automatic reaction and reply, "I want to do better."

The old man snorted, and lowered his head, "Good answer, Lord Kusanagi."

My hand was on my back before I even realized what I was doing.

Crimson flames roared forth, torching the fiber of my bag, my hand cleanly sliding through the ashes and grasping the hilt of my sword.

In one single moment, when the flames stopped burning, and my blade left its sheath, there was silence.

Until the dull thud of a headless body hitting the floor tarnished it.

The doors behind me exploded.

I turned slightly, just enough to see more of those Shinto mystics, each holding numerous talismans in their hands.

Before they could utter a sound, my chest pounded, and a wave of Holy Spirit Power crashed into their senses, halting their movements and words in equal measure.

Light bloomed in the chamber, as my halos came into being, and I watched half-lidded as they all seemed to stiffen.

"Clean this up." I commanded them, dryly, waving at the body, "Give him a proper burial, as expected for this Clan."

A clean death, a clean grave.

I'll give him that much at least.

The mystics, after a moment of staring at me dumbly, hurriedly nodded.

"When that's done, show me to your training grounds, and leave. I have some steam I need to work off, and a match to prepare for later." I added simply.

Baraqiel. I hope you're ready. I'm about to beat the coward out of you and make you talk to your damn daughter already.

Instead of doing all this!