Interlude 5

Tokyo is beautiful this time of year.

It's such a damn shame I'm here for business rather than pleasure, truly, I should have visited the city sooner.

As soon as I entered the city area so to speak, I could feel the shift, in the very air itself.

The sun seemed just a tad more vibrant, the air somehow seemed cleaner, and I don't get how.

It's like the Shinkai was peeking through in this place, just a little bit.

On top of that, judging from my admittedly short stride to the Tokyo Imperial Palace from the train station, the place also seemed strangely clean of foreign supernatural influence.

As in, I didn't blatantly run into a Devil Hotel or one of the old Grigori's random businesses.

Like titty clubs.

Seriously. Why?

But no, as far as I could tell, it was purely Japanese businesses and shops on my trip.

Maybe I'm just too used to Kyoto, what with Yasaka encouraging such mixing and peace, while the Imperial Family here is supposedly just as isolationist as the Kami, save a few outliers of course.

Maybe it runs in the family?

Regardless, Prime Nori is going to miss seeing them for himself!

As a side note though.

I stand at the entrance gate to the Tokyo Imperial Palace, my phone in hand showing a map of the East Garden.

The only part available to the public.

Slight problem.

The Imperial Household Agency HQ isn't in the East Garden!

Or at least this map from said agency's website isn't saying its headquarters is there.

Which, for one, means I don't have an excuse to walk through the East Garden.

There's supposedly a part of the Garden called the Ninomaru Garden, where trees representing each prefecture in Japan are planted.

Two hundred sixty trees, thirty different varieties, sounded cool to see.

Now I don't have an excuse to take a quick peek.

The second, much more pressing issue, is I'm going to have to trespass to find the place I'm looking for.

Now, see, I should just walk up to someone…like a guard…state who I am, and ask to be brought or led there, but there's also a slight issue with that.

There's nobody here.

I got here pretty early, right at when the Palace opens to the public at nine, so I could get there not being many, if any, visitors so early.

But there are also no guards. I can't see or sense anyone around.

Now, the Palace grounds are pretty big, my sensing range currently can't cover it all.

But still, this is starting to feel like the Himejima all over again!

There better not be a stupid fallen malding out here that I have to kill or something.

So am I just supposed to…walk in?

'...the moment you set foot on the grounds of the Imperial Palace, they'll know.'

Uzume's minimal instructions flared in the back of my mind.

The way things have been playing out, I wouldn't be surprised if they knew about me the moment I entered Tokyo.

Well. Shit. Here goes nothing, I guess?

I take a step forward, passing under the gate, into the East Garden proper.

And…nothing happens? I don't even feel myself passing through a barrier.

Very fucking eerie. I still don't see or sense anyone.

With a deep sigh, I start walking, following the shortest path I can to my destination.

The Imperial Palace is more or less cut in two, the East Garden which is available to the public, and the Inner Grounds, which is where the Emperor of Japan and his Family live and work.

My destination then, is the Inner Grounds. The Agency building should be in there, likely around other administrative buildings, all in a nice cluster.

…You know, actually thinking about it now sends a shiver up my spine.

My Dad, Kunihito, was the Crown Prince.

My Grandfather is the Emperor of Japan.

Why is that just now settling in while I'm here?

Fuck it feels very weird to even be thinking that.

And I don't even know what the man looks like, my Grandfather.

I also find myself, despite it feeling weird, also…not caring all that much?

Still feels weird, but I've never met this side of my family, we're strangers.

Their status means practically nothing to me.

I'm drawn from my thoughts as I begin crossing the bridge to the East Garden into the Inner Grounds.

Tilting my head slightly, I see the wind as it physically brushes through the trees, and the water as it rushes and laps under the bridge.

Huh. The closer I get to the Grounds, the more alike the world seems to be to the Shinkai.

Say, isn't that the Imperial Palace off in the distance there?

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" An aged male voice resounds thoughtfully directly to my right, "Although, I suspect you see more than even I, don't you?"

What in the fuck.

I whip my head toward the direction of the voice.

Standing there, looking out at the water, is a short old man.

Despite his age, I'd say the years seemed to have done him rather well, unlike Suou, this man has aged gracefully and majestically.

White and gray hair neatly trimmed and cut, clean-shaven, the works. And with a rather dapper and clean, albeit standard, formal suit and tie.

For my part, I'm wearing the same outfit I wore to Urakyoto, my sword, kimono, suit, and all.

But putting that aside for the moment…

Why does this old man feel like a tree or blade of grass to my senses?

The old man turns to look at me slightly, an amused twinkle in his dark red eye at what I imagine is my very shocked expression.

"Surprised, hmm?" He hums out.

"That's a bit of an understatement," I manage to mutter, "who are you?"

He gave a small smile at my question.

Then began to pull up his left suit sleeve, tugging it up to his elbow.

Showing a dark red flame-like mark cascading down his forearm, ending a little above halfway to his wrist.


I look down at my chest, pulling my dress shirt collar to the side slightly, revealing the similarly designed mark across my clavicle.

"Oh…" I responded, oh so very intelligently.

The old man, my Grandfather, chuckled, rolling back up his sleeve, "Oh indeed."

"It's, uh…" I trail off, unsure of what to say, "Nice to meet you?"

Nailed it!

"It's nice to finally meet you as well, although I wish it were under less pressing circumstances…" he mused aloud, amusement slowly draining from his voice, "Perhaps we should take this inside? Tea always helps calm the nerves, in my experience."

Ah, he could tell that?

I guess I'm not doing anything to try and hide it, huh?

"Sure," I sigh and give a slight nod, "let's do it."

"Very well." He turns and starts walking across the bridge, "Walk with me, and try to calm, you are amongst long-lost friends and family."

That is precisely why I'm slightly freaked out here!

Regardless, with a deep breath, and a shake of my head, I follow him off into the Inner Grounds.

~ A New Sun ~

I was led to a cluster of three big modern buildings, all interconnected with each other, we entered one of them.

I'm not sure if it's the Agency building, none of them had big names or signs, but regardless we ended up in a rather simple room.

Fairly small and plain, with only a table and a couple of chairs, all modern office styled.

I will say, in this case, I welcome the more plain scenery. If the world kept getting any more vibrant it would be pretty damn distracting.

Small teacup in my hand, I look over to the old man sitting across from me, as he sips gingerly from his cup.

Deep breaths, Nori, you can do this. Then you can blame Prime later because he's too much of a pussy to do this himself!

"So," I began, nice and steady, "It sounds like you already have an idea as to why I'm here then?"

He looked up at me from his cup, and sighed, "We are aware of the Night Parade, yes. We also figured it was called over your rather dramatic reveal to the supernatural world. Is it correct to assume you are here to ask for assistance?"

"Yeah," I wince, "although, I originally didn't intend for our first meeting to be for such…before all that, I was going to go around and meet everyone, all the factions in Japan that would open their doors for me. You guys included, just to have a chat, and see what's been going on since my…father."

I mention him without thinking, and the old man before me gives a solemn yet understanding nod but doesn't speak up.

So, I continued, "...Did all his stuff, though I'm sure you're aware. I especially didn't think I'd see you, for a long time."

"What reason would I have, not to finally see my grandson?" He raised his question with his eyebrow.

I give a weary chuckle to that, "I don't know. I didn't know what to expect from you, or what kind of person you are…hell, I don't even know much about the Imperial Family as a whole. I only just recently learned of my father's station."

He huffed to all that, "I see the Kami tell you just as little then, hmm?"

"To be fair, I didn't ask," I shake my head, "never had much reason too."

"Only because you didn't know you could have in the first place, and then, after a while…once you finally learned…" he sighed, "apathy, yes?"

"Ah…yeah." I rub the back of my head. "Sorry, really, I just—"

He raised a hand to stop me, "Don't be. Really. It is not your fault."

"I…guess?" I take a sip myself, "Still, I feel kinda bad."

He gives a wistful smile at that, "You have heart, Norihito. Just like your father, albeit, he didn't express it nearly as much on the outside."


Ah, that's what Dad wanted to name me, right?

"Speaking of him," the man continued, "cleanliness, ceremony, and tradition," he intoned like a mantra, "nowadays, that is what it means to be a part of this family. The Imperial Household Agency…while I wouldn't say runs our lives, they certainly have a significant say. This, combined with when Kunihito learned about the goings on of the other side, is ultimately why he decided to leave."

I blink to, well, all of that, "That…everyone knows the Imperial Family doesn't have a say in matters of state anymore, but you're all that…impaired? Truly?"

He gives a sad slow nod to that, "Generations upon generations, and the blood of our Honored Ancestor ran thinner and thinner. Our powers got weaker and weaker. Until there was nothing left but a dormant mark," he tapped his left forearm, "and an affinity for light and fire. And if there's one thing the supernatural world cares about most…"

"It's power." I breathed out, finishing for him.

He nodded, "Yes, without that? The Household Agency deemed it for the best if we stayed out of the supernatural affairs. Although we still have the Bureau of Onmyo, not the Agency, we aren't allowed to be proactive with their use. The protection of Tokyo is as far as we are allowed to go."

All of this is leaving a rather sour taste in my mouth, and it shows, judging by my old man's grimace.

"Yes, I know. It wasn't always like this, mind you. But as the Emperors got weaker and weaker, they signed more of their authority and power away for protection, and now," he holds his hands out to the room around us, "…we are here. Until your father was born blessed with powers harkening to the original Emperors and broke free, with the Honored Ancestor's blessing that is. And now…you."

I nod solemnly to that. Damn. That…is a bit to take in.

I can see why Dad didn't want me raised over here, I don't know the full extent, but man does it not sound pleasant. Being raised like a puppet.

Especially if my powers were still sealed off for most of that time. Sounds like Hell.

"Ah, wait…" I start, my eyes widening, "If you're limited to Tokyo then…!"

He chuckles, "I wouldn't worry so much about that. Your father had friends within the Bureau, that I'm sure wouldn't mind lending a deft hand outside for his son. Off the books, of course."

He adds with a grin and a sparkle in his eye. "I would be happy to introduce you if needs be?"

I give a relieved sigh to that, and grin right back, "Yeah, that sounds good…thanks gramps."

The real, warm, genuine smile that blossomed on the aged man's face from one word damn well broke my heart.

I think…after this, I need to visit more.

And, you know what? It's still early…the assault on Mt. Ōe doesn't happen until tonight.

I don't think Prime will mind if I stick around for a while and, ahem, gather information, no?

"So old man," I lean back in my chair, raising my teacup slightly with a smile, "for now, got anything juicy to share about my parted younger but still old man?"