Chapter Twenty-Five: Seeds of Deception

Chapter Twenty-Five: Seeds of Deception


POV: *Lavender*


I woke back up after sunrise as Demi pulled my curtains back. She tried to hide the smirk of satisfaction from her face as she always did. Something about interrupting any sense of my peace seemed to bring that look to her face every time.

I sat up without complaint as I had been programmed to do. It was strange to feel how my body went through the motions automatically like I had never left. Part of me wished I forgot that I had been anywhere else like my body seemed to be.

“Get ready and come downstairs immediately. We are skipping breakfast today to greet our guests.” The chipper tone of her voice stung my ears as she gave the order.

No shred of doubt laced her expression that I would comply. I swallowed back the bitter taste of her correct assumption.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied like a good little soldier.