Chapter 37: Bad Blood

"We need to go," Kate declared. "We can't be here."

Theo stared at her worriedly. "What is it?"

Kate looked into the darkness but couldn't see anything. There were rows of trees that surrounded the cemetery. The ruby necklace continued to glow. She grabbed it in her fist and hoped it was as lucky as Margot said it was.

"Let's get inside," she insisted. When Theo didn't move, she added, "Now!"

Kate grabbed his hand and started running. Theo followed her. They trudged through the thick snow and it sounded like something was chasing them. She didn't know if it was her imagination or something real. She didn't want to turn around and find out.

They reached the veranda and Kate jumped over the stone railing. Theo jumped in after her and she opened the veranda doors. They went inside the house and Kate closed the veranda doors and locked them. Kate pressed her ear against the wood and listened for whatever was outside.