The authorities were led by the female investigator who had interrogated Kate. They led Theo away in handcuffs and Kate couldn't do anything to help him. Theo didn't put up a fight. He left with them peacefully.
Hari closed the door behind them and leaned his back against it. He looked shell-shocked.
"And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse," he said. "Do they know what he is?"
"They'll find out once they test him," Genevieve replied, beleaguered. "The dark magic levels on him would make anyone suspicious."
"He's innocent," Kate pointed out. "They can't just do this. Can they?"
He's been linked to two of the deaths, Kate. Theo was the last person your grandfather saw before he died and now Nathan came to see him before he was killed too.”
"Theo was with me in Boston the whole time. He couldn't have been at two places at once."