*Jonathan’s POV*
Everything hurts. My fingers have a pulse of their own, beating and throbbing with every thrum of my heart. There is a thrum in my head where my headache has decided to, for the time being, ease up and give me some peace.
Breathing, on the other hand, is another matter entirely. Every breath feels like I am trying to lift sand bags off of my chest. I want to take a deep breath. I want to stretch, but mostly I want to stretch without experiencing pain.
This kind of pain is not the stabbing, sharp kind like what was happening to me in the warehouse, which seems so long ago. This is a dull, aching pain. It reminds me of a workout pain, starting in the muscles of my body and working its way through my very bones. I know it will go away with time, and the pain medication I am currently on is helping tremendously. Still, nothing I am on is taking away all of the pain all at once.
Maybe I should be glad for that.