Stone vs. flame (1)

Once a week, each course was allocated a day for practical exercises. And the day for the freshmen happened to fall just two days later. Of course, there weren't enough individual training grounds for everyone, so the students gathered in groups under the leadership of one or several instructors. The prominent guilds, with their dedicated training fields, often practiced separately to keep their talents and tactics hidden from outsiders. However, many aspiring guilds hunted for newcomers, and we were among them.

The training grounds were located to the south of the main campus, on both sides of a wide street where students gathered in groups for their drills.

Four individuals, not the most reputable in the academy, strolled through the center of the street, seeking suitable newcomers. Though, students steered clear of us as if we were a menace.

Warriors often assembled with those who wielded the same weaponry, but they frequently shifted from one training ground to another to test themselves against different styles.

As for the mages, they often grouped according to their elemental affinities. There was a group of around fifty water mages, among whom was Milena Warden. She ranked among the Academy's most powerful mages, yet she seemed uninterested in enticing recruits for her guild. Sitting apart from the main group, she politely answered the questions of the freshmen.

On the adjacent training ground, lightning mages were honing their skills. Their numbers slightly exceeded those of the water mages, and their beautiful golden uniforms stood out vividly against the surroundings. For a moment, it seemed that one of the freshmen glanced disdainfully in our direction before quickly turning away. She wore a white and blue robe, indicating she was also an air mage. I couldn't fathom what I might have done to earn her contempt.

Our peaceful stroll was interrupted by an explosion at the far end of the street.

Given the limited number of training grounds, instructors often reserved spaces for their groups in advance. Teacher Levris usually trained with her small group of earth mages. Being the smallest group, comprising only around fifteen students, she had to book a field ahead of time; otherwise, they risked missing out on training. Levris was a smart and prudent individual, always securing the training area beforehand. However, luck wasn't on her side this time. The training ground she received through the drawing was one of the largest, located at the end of the street, bordering the sea. Besides its impressive territory, it also featured a beach where one could relax after practice. It was the best of the training grounds, but this created numerous problems as it was assigned to the smallest group. Among other instructors, some desired to claim the right to train on this field.

And so it happened this time: while Levris and her students awaited latecomers, the largest group of students approached her. Fire mages led by Kiram, the worst possible scenario. Not only was he one of the strongest mages in the academy, but he was also a cruel and unprincipled person. Moreover, he knew how to manipulate people's minds and was well aware of the academy's rules, which allowed him to potentially obtain the training ground bypassing Levris.

"Oh, Teacher Levris, I was just about to ask you not to occupy this training ground today," Kiram said with a malicious grin, exerting pressure on the instructor.

"H-h-however, it was assigned to us through a fair drawing," Levris's voice trembled, and she was clearly afraid of him.

"But is it fair that your small group gets such a training ground? There are no other free ones left, and we won't have a place to go," Kiram argued.

"Well, maybe if one of your students accidentally hits a passerby with a stone, it won't do much harm. But my students are studying real combat magic. It wouldn't be good if one of them gets burned," Kiram demonstrated by igniting a small flame in his hand, causing Levris to flinch slightly and step back. "You could practice just fine in an open field."

"The training ground is quite spacious. Perhaps my students can position themselves on the opposite side from you, and we won't interfere with each other," Levris proposed.

"Hmm, still, your students will only distract my group. What if one of my students' spells accidentally injures one of yours? It would be quite unpleasant," this insolent scoundrel acted as if he already owned the training ground, along with the entire academy. "But we can settle our dispute as mages, through a duel."

In Kiram's hand, a blue flame ignited, known for its devastating power, surpassing the ordinary fire of fire mages. Levris, of course, wouldn't stand a chance against him.

"N-no-no, perhaps I'll find another place with my students," Levris couldn't even protest. She bowed and was about to leave when several stones flew towards Kiram with impressive speed.

Grain couldn't bear the humiliation Kiram inflicted on Levris.

"I will fight you!" His words sounded confident, but it seemed unlikely he had a chance.

"Oh, it's not suitable for a student to challenge an instructor to a duel. But I'll give you the opportunity to back up your words. If you can defeat one of my students, I'll yield," a vile smirk crossed Kiram's face. "Miguel, you won't mind dealing with this annoyance."

From the group of fire mages emerged a young man in white and gold-trimmed uniform, and the mantle of a fire mage. He was tall, only slightly shorter than Grain himself, with dark hair and a perpetually smirking face. He was Alfred's right-hand man in his guild for a reason - a rare sadist who could deal with Grain in the cruelest manner.

"Of course, teacher. You can rest assured; I'll knock some sense into this upstart," Miguel said confidently.

As we approached the battleground, Grain was already losing ground. He hurled compacted earth clods at Miguel and quickly erected walls to shield himself from counterattacks. However, the local terrain was evidently not solid enough to harm such a skilled mage.

Miguel, on the other hand, was merely toying with Grain. He wasn't as proficient in fire magic as Alfred, but his group's strength compensated for it.

His weapon resembled Grain's, gloves with golden crosses that concentrated magic for powerful attacks. By infusing a bit of magic into his fists, he could easily shatter stones thrown by Grain. But in return, his attacks were much more potent; fiery arrows effortlessly pierced through the earth shields, striking Grain behind them. Grain had to constantly dodge to prevent the next arrow from being critical.

The crowd of fire mages rejoiced; Kiram's despicable behavior seemed to be contagious among his students. Among the spectators, I noticed Alfred, pretending to look dignified, though a faint smug grin occasionally flickered on his face. I also spotted the familiar red-eyed beauty; she was the only one not enjoying the fight. Nevertheless, she could only disdainfully watch Miguel's actions. Teacher Levris attempted to reason with Kiram and asked him to stop the duel, but he clearly relished what was happening.

Miguel soon grew bored of playing with his victim. Gathering a large amount of fire magic in his right fist, he launched a forceful strike at Grain. The fiery punch, a basic spell achievable with any element, was a dense mana sphere that delivered damage not through the effects of the element but its sheer weight. Unable to evade in time, Grain took a direct hit to his shoulder and flew back several meters. It seemed the impact dislocated his joint, and he couldn't get back on his feet due to the pain. The battle was over, but from the expression on the red-haired girl's face, I understood that it wasn't the end. As long as one of the duelists didn't admit defeat or both were conscious, the battle was considered ongoing. Typically, defeated opponents weren't finished off, but Miguel was eagerly awaiting that moment.

Without giving Grain a chance to concede, Miguel gathered an enormous fireball and hurled it towards the fallen mage. Levris rushed to save her student, but she couldn't make it in time. The fireball passed her by and exploded right in front of the weakened Grain.

The fire mages held their breath, while the earth mages awaited with dread for the smoke to disperse.

Soon, the cocky smile vanished from Miguel's face. Grain was unharmed; at the last moment, a black, scaly wing spread before him, completely deflecting the flames.

Casting a scornful glance at Miguel, the princess of black dragons gracefully folded her wings back into her humanoid form.