Chapter 40: Malaki Crescent


Malaki Crescent

The front of the school was completely filled with angry protestors and news cameras. The pack, including my father, had shown up. And all of the immortals from the school were there too. Both sides were angry, and at the center of it all was Emily Brentwood. Her husband stood next to her looking angry but not talking, James was behind them seemingly trying to get his mom down from the podium but she was ignoring him.

“…. the intermingling of Immortals and Humans poses a threat to society,” Emily Brentwood said, “we have no way of knowing if this girl is there with this boy of her own free will. Or if she is there because someone used magic on her to get her. The girl in question, Iris Miller, was dating my son before this unfortunate incident happened and I don’t for one second believe that she would willingly enter into a relationship with a monster when she was in love with him.”