Second Weapon Modification

"You want to hunt with us?" Lora asked, listing the words one at a time as though unsure she had heard right.

"Yes," Evian answered earnestly, "While you all interfered in a hunt I had under control, I am glad to have people to hunt with so I'd like for this arrangement to continue."

Five days had gone by and as the week they had to rest at East City drew to a close, Evian decided he was quite about done with hunting so he needed a massive horde of Soul Points which would be better gotten from Fitlfth Rank Beasts that were apparently much more common to run into closer to the center of the Forest. Hunting such powerful Beasts was best done in a party of capable individuals such as this so he had no reason to turn them away.

"So, let me get this straight," Lora said still looking unconvinced, "Although you dealt the final blow, you don't want any part of this Beast whose resources will sell for thousands of gold and instead want a chance to do more work?"