Chapter 10: Scars From The Past

"Now you know why I didn't want them to pass down the history. It is painful, lots of innocent died and even though I am the creator of life, I wasn't able to revive them. Only because of that bastard." Lord got angry. "Michael... The reason why we chose you as an Avatar was because we want you to save those souls who died. Lord has lost his ability after getting sealed and even if he regains his power, he won't be able to revive them. Because their souls have been sealed for the Great Sacrifice by that bastard." Zerafyn said.

"You guys have been calling that guy a bastard for a while now. If you don't mind can you tell me his name?" Michael asks. "Dammit, even saying that guy's name makes my blood boil. I can't wait to rip him apart and throw him into the deepest pit of hell and torture him for an eternity." Lord laughed and Michael was scared seeing his expression as he was unconsciously releasing his murderous intent.

"Stop". Xerxes said. "Ah fuck, sorry I got carried away. Well anyway, his name is Midas and he is known as the GodKing of Greed and the traitor who was behind the bloodshed of GodKings. He manipulated every single one of them, including me, and as a result, I killed those who stood in my way I was then later called the God of Annihilation, and when it was all over, he backstabbed and sealed me and that's the end of the story." Lord said.

"As I said I will give you my power and it will be 1% when you completely master it". Lord said. "What? Only that much? Are you fucking kidding me? How the fuck am I supposed to kill those bastards if I only have that much? Answer me". Michael was furious and pointed at Lord. Seeing him point his finger toward the Lord, Xerxes cuts off his entire arm. "Aaarghhhhhhh....". Michael screams in pain. Xerxes looks at him and says, "Don't get carried away after we have been nice to you. I don't care even if you are the Key or not but if you point your finger again towards my Lord, it will be your head next time. Remember that".

"Sighs... you always look cold but when it comes to our Lord you are the first person who loses his cool. Look at what you have done, poor guy lost his hand," Zerafyn said. "Like fuck I care," Xerxes said. "Back to being cold huh... Anyways, Michael, you should never disrespect the Lord. Well, even if you don't listen, that guy over there will surely engrave it into your brain. Enough chit-chat then....". Zerafyn then heals his arm. Michael was devastated as he had experienced pain worse than death. Xerxes's sword has the power to increase the pain more than a billion times. He only used 2x pain on him.

"Damn Xerxy, chill". Lord said and then looked at Michael. "Michael, first of all, you need to change your attitude. It's annoying. Second, my 1% of power is enough to kill 10,000 GodKings. The reason that the war lasted for 1267 years was because they had a lot of innocent people as hostages including our families. I lost my wife, my little sister along with all of our brothers and sisters who fought for me. There was another reason too but I can't tell you that yet. I will tell you that when you master at least 0.80% of my power. You will get killed if I tell you now. Grow stronger as fast as you can, so that you can protect the ones you love". Lord said with a regretful look.

"I am sorry. I know I am being immature as I didn't know anything. I envied you for having that much power until I heard your loss. I thought if I had as much power as you have, I could save everyone. Now I know that nothing goes the way you want unless you force open a path yourself. So please, accept me as your disciple. I want you to make me go down the right path. If I train alone and the more power I get, I will become more greedy and may stray from the right path. I want you to guide me so that I won't become like those gods. Please I beg you...". Michael bows down on the floor.

"Get up". Lord says and Michael gets up. "I won't accept you as my disciple. But, I can help you go down the right path," Lord said and Michael was happy to hear that. "Show me your (Status Window)". Lord asked Michael. Michael then shows his (Status Window) to him. "Like I thought, you are too weak to face Gods with this much power," Lord said and then he began to use his power on his (Status Window) and suddenly it began to glow brighter and the light covered the whole room, and disappeared after a few seconds. Michael was looking around as he was confused. Suddenly a message pops up in front of him.

"You have been chosen as the Avatar of Annihilation".

"Limit on your stats has been removed".

"You have gained the power of Annihilation".

"Your race has been changed from Human to Newbie God".

"100% proficiency for all weapons".

"You have gained 2 skills"

"Atomic Slash and Absolute Authority"

"Atomic Slash - Launches a Horizontal Slash that cuts down anything on its path. Attack power depends on the user's proficiency. The more the proficiency, the more the power."

"Absolute Authority - Power that can make the God's kneel. When using this power on foes weaker than you, they won't be able to disobey you. 15% chance on those who are on the same level as you and 0.01% on those who are more powerful than you."

Michael was excited to see his new powers".

"Damn, I think I can become as strong as I was in my past in a year, no, maybe 5 months." Michael kneeled in front of the Lord and thanked him for giving him this opportunity.

"Now, go forth child. Walk the path of a Conquerer. Don't hesitate to kill anyone that stands in your way. Remember, the moment you hesitate is the moment you die." Lord said and the others smiled, Xerxes was cold as usual. The portal opens behind Michael which leads to his room. "Wait, I have been here for a long time. I am late. Kelly is gonna kill me". Michael was scared. "Don't worry kid, my Lord has stopped time, the moment before calling you here. Now go and never come back". Diablo says with a smirk. Michael was annoyed by him. Michael then gets back into his room after going through the portal and then the portal begins to close. "Oh, I forgot to ask you Lord. Tell me your real name," Michael asks in a hurry as the portal is nearly closed. Lord, then smiles at him and says, "Zayn".

The portal closed. Michael has returned and the time started to flow again.