The Triplets

"We are here." Noami stated mordantly, taking off her helmet.

My eyes furrowed on their own accord, wondering why she was sounding so caustic.

She didn't have the dark life I led, or rather, slaved around with, but I barely sounded that way unless necessary. Well, I was dumb though. But whatever it was, I wasn't going to ask her, not when I had my own gigantic problem to stew in.

My mind went into a different direction of its own accord, ruminating on the kind or type of treatment I would be receiving today.

Perhaps this time, they might lock me in the school's toilet, while instructing the cleaner never to touch it.

Oh god, I couldn't just wait to graduate but that would in the next one and half years. It sounded far, but I would have to hold out that long, for my mother.

"Thanks Naomi. You are a lifesaver.'' I chirped excitedly, mind you a forced excitement, after taking off my own helmet. "I can see why you like the bike.'' I added, this time around, truthful.

The bike was awesome. Feeling the wind brush around you gave a type of high that I was sure only coke could give, and probably the other thing, which I have never experienced or never think I would experience, not in this pack anyway. Perhaps, I would travel to the city and stay among humans, where it would be peaceful and easier to get around. This pack could go and lick up their ass for all I care!

"Maya!" I heard Noami call to me, and shuddered. Seems, I had spaced out again, while thinking of this stupid pack. Do they really deserve this much of my attention? But then how could I forget a pack whose members were so intent on seeing me bullied and mistreated like I have caused the death of one of their kings or something.

"Maya, stop spacing out. Look! The king's sons are here. What are they doing here though, instead of being in class?" Maya questioned, alerting me to the current predicament.

Already, I was beginning to shake, watching the three guys saunter towards her. We were the only students in the parking lot. Why are they outside at this moment? Didn't they have some political class or something to attend to? Sometimes , like now, I wondered if their father knew of their unholy behaviors.

"What do we have here?" the second of the triplet, Noah, asked, as they came to a halt before us. I couldn't look up, to avoid my eyes colliding with their evil ones, and so I didn't know how Noami was faring; whether she was as timid as I was, or she was looking them in the eye since the mean triplets were friends with her brother.

"Our playtoy, of course." Daniel, the third triplet replied, chuckling. "Who are you? You look familiar." He inquired, and I knew then that his attention was diverted to Noami.

Timidly, I gave her a side glance, and sighed when I saw that she was looking at the guys right in their eyes. Wow! I wish I had that luxury. But why don't I?

I think I have asked myself this question for the thousandth time! Why had they all decided to pick on me? Did I have some playtoy tag attached to my head or body that I can't see? Or was it because of the doctor's prediction that I was wolfless? If that was so, for that has been when all these bullying had intensified, shouldn't they leave me be rather than disturb me seeing that I was cursed as they had chosen to believe? Damn fools! The lot of them! I cussed in my head, biting my lips.

I heard Noami explain who she was confidently, without a break or tremor in her voice, and sighed again. How lucky she was! We were as different as night from day. Tragic!

"I see. But what are you doing with a loser then? I thought you should be as smart as your brother. Or did the genes stop right before you?" Noah asked. Of course, I could tell the differences in their voices-you would if you have been tortured incessantly by them, for the past one year.

"And who said she is a loser? She doesn't have a wolf doesn't mean that she doesn't have a brain. Why are you guys so mean to her? Shouldn't you be compassionate to your subjects?" Noami retorted, making me sniff.

I wanted to tear up. No one has ever defended me this way, well, except my mother. But mother was family, Noami wasn't.

Why would she do this for me, or did she have a personal vendetta against the boys or probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed with her brother? Whatever it was, it was dangerous in as much as it sounded like she was defending me.

"Noami, get out of here now. Don't think that being a friend's sister would grant you the allowance to speak that way to us. You are lucky that we are the only ones in this parking lot." Daniel mentioned, his voice attaining the cold quality.

Noami should flee now! I shouted in my head, wishing the girl would just go. I don't want to risk her brother's wrath too. The latter might think that I had dragged his sister into my cursed existence and life.

"No, I won't…" Noami was still saying, when Adam's voice interrupted her coldly.

"Didn't you hear the first time? Get out now." he mentioned clearly, but steely, causing me to get the chills all over. He was the eldest of the triplets, and though he said few words compared to the other two, he was still the meanest.

I heard the shuffling of feet, and I knew that Noami was already getting away. And though I didn't blame her for her choice, it spiked up my heart rate. Knowing that she had been there with me had given me a footing to stay calm in the midst of the storm. But now, I was about to go crazy.