At The Cafeteria II

It took a while before it got to our turn, during which my mind scurried from one matter to the other.

After I took my order, and turned around, hoping to follow Naomi to whatever space she would stay in, and if god be faithful, perhaps outside if she finally considered me even though I hadn't given her a definite answer to her question, I came face to face with Naomi's handsome brother, Timothy.

Timothy was looking at his sister with disapproval. Okay, I saw this coming.

"What are you doing with her?" Timothy questioned harshly, making me mentally slap myself for ever having a crush on this idiot right in front of me. "I had thought that Noah was joking when he talked about you being cozy with her. Did you lose one of your brain nuts?" He kept on with the questioning, choosing to spare me a disgusted glance alright after the query.

"I don't think who I flow with is any of your business, Tim. I don't tell you who to go with,so, nothing gives you the right to talk to me about mine either. Maya, let's go. The food is getting cold." Naomi said, gesturing at me with her head to keep moving forward. But I hadn't even taken two steps when Noah came to stand in front of me, a smug smile on his lips.

Oh god, what now?

"Did you honestly think that I was going to let you walk away? What are you doing in the cafeteria today? I thought this place was off limits for you." He mentioned, staring at me with a malicious glint in his eye.

I opened my mouth to apologize, but before I could even do that, he pushed my tray away, causing it to fall to the ground and make a loud clang sound which of course attracted the attention of those in the cafeteria, if the boys approaching me hadn't been enough to garner the right attention in the first place.

"No food for you today, my Playtoy. I think I have something well planned for you today." He stated, causing me to shudder in fear.

Naomi tried to come between us but her brother pulled her back to him, restraining her strongly in his arms.

Why were they so hell bent in frustrating my life? I thought, taking in the satisfying looks on the faces of the students in the cafeteria. They couldn't wait for whatever Noah had in stock for me.

To hell with the lot of them. I cussed mentally, tightening my fists by my side, something that went noticed by Adam surely. Because in the next minute he was standing up from his seat and walking toward us, the same minute that Claire walked into the cafeteria, standing still when she saw what was going on.

My heart stiffened when I saw the frustrated look on her face metamorphose to happiness. Did my suffering really bring joy to her? I wondered, so aware of Adam's cologne as he stepped closer to me.

His presence reminded me of what he had done this morning. Assholes, all of them, assholes. I cussed mentally, biting my lips, willing myself not to tear up.

"Do you want to hit my brother?" Adam asked, pointing at my fisted hands which immediately relaxed and let go at his voice. But Noah was fast enough to catch onto it.

"Oh my god!" Noah shouted, taking a few steps back and laughing crazily. "The Playtoy seemed to be getting some back bone…well, why don't we break it, huh..." He muttered, the laughter on his face giving way to a wicked determination that caused chills to run from the hair of my head to the sole of my feet.

I watched, fear stricken as he picked up the yoghurt from one of the tables in the cafeteria just close to him, walked back to me, and poured the liquid, slowly mind you, laughing with the other students as the liquid trickled down from my head to the shoes. Noami stared open-mouthed, unable to do anything.

"You still want to fight back?" He asked, pushing my head with his thumb. But I said nothing to him, feeling the humiliation wash over me, aware that my siblings were among those laughing and pointing fingers at me. But Noah was not done.

As Adam watched, his hands in his front pockets, Noah walked up to another table and carried a plate of food and stalked back to me, grinning from ear to ear as he plastered the food on my face, swerving his hand on the flat plate from side to side as if wanting to make sure that the food particles would sink into the pores of my skin, before letting the plate fall to the ground.

A tear escaped from my eyes as I felt the food remains slide into my clothes and stick to my neck. I would need to go home after this, I decided, not caring about detention or suspension. I couldn't possibly stay in school after this.

I was already tired of standing, and I wanted to sit down until Noah was done pouring whatever he had to pour on me. And that was why when Claire came up to me, standing beside Adam and gave me a hard push causing me to fall to the ground, I made no effort to stand up, rather I sat down there, listening to the deafening laughters whilst trying to cut myself away from reality, to remain aloof to everything. But that even was hard.

I felt another liquid dumped on my head, and bit my lips, unable to stop the train of tears this time around. Rather, I closed my eyes, wishing and willing that one of the servers would call one of our teachers to stop this madness. Perhaps, they already did, but time seemed to take much longer.