In The Kitchen II

Without Naomi around to save me from my chief nemesis, my hands began to shake and I thanked God that I wasn't with the glass cup in my hands.

What did Adam want now? Why was he right behind me? And where was Naomi now that I needed her?

I was sitting so stiffly, my back rimrod straight on the high kitchen stool, my pulse jumping erratically when Adam started trailing his finger down my arm, and whispered something I had no comprehension of in my ear, intermittently biting at my ear lobe.

What could this mean? What was he doing now? I wondered, choosing to remain quiet even as his breathing got kooky and his fingers grasped my arm firmly.

Okay. This is crazy. Was the boy thinking that because I was dumb and a bullied object, I was just going to let him have his way with me because he was hot?

Well, he must be joking. He must be out of his mind too. I concluded, jumping out of my stool without giving him any warning, a smile flashing across my lips when I heard him gasp softly. I wish he had fallen to the ground.

Stilling my nervous nerves, I turned around to face him, swallowing down saliva when I took in the imagery of his chest which was bare of any clothing.

He was only wearing beach shorts. But damn he was so handsome and hot!

Intentionally cracking my voice, or rather coughing, I awkwardly picked a cookie from the plate, and pretended that it was all normal that he was hitting on me.

"What do you think that you are doing?" I asked him, biting down on the cookie which I have no idea how it would pass through my throat, down to my stomach.

I was literally in between some kind of highness that Adam had considered me beautiful to hit on and some kind of nervousness mixed with annoyance. This blockhead had victimized me for almost two years. He didn't deserve to have a taste of my honeypot. None of them did. They were all assholes.

"What do you think I am doing? Don't you want it? Isn't that why you wore such an outfit? To bask in the attention of the opposite sex…" Adam stated, and I shook my head immediately, negating his statement.

"No, that's not true. I didn't know you all were coming. Why are you all here? Shouldn't the school still be in session?" I asked him, mentally slapping myself for mustering up a boldness that I didn't know I had.

If someone had told me that I would be talking with Adam Brekan this way, you know standing in the kitchen, a tray of cookies between us, I wouldn't have believed it, not in a million years.

Naomi was right. I needed to change my wardrobe. My sister had been wrong, or rather so envious. According to Naomi, I am so much more beautiful than Lilian.

Seeing Adam's gaze which has never left me or rather my boobs since he was just trailing his eyes all over, I was sure that she was right.

"Well, the principal had told us to go home for playing around with you. Isn't that so cruel, huh?" he asked me, and I scoffed, before I could stop myself, shutting my eyes out of habit, expecting a knock or something else for exhibiting such rude behavior in front of my bully. That was a bad move.

But then I heard him laughing, a rich timbre of his voice that sent tingles down my spine. I opened my eyes then , wondering what was so funny.

Was he pretending now because Naomi was nearby? That must be it probably. I thought, whisking around, furrowing my eyebrows when I didn't see my friend. What was going on?

"You have really grown wings. I don't know if that is a good idea or a bad one." he muttered, stepping closer to me. His closeness was making me a nervous wreck just at the same time it made me mushy.

He put his hand on my belly and began to trace invisible lines around it, his head dipping low as if he wanted to kiss me. I was powerless around him. Was this how those girls felt?

But I think mine was different.

I wasn't sure what would happen if I pushed his hand away. Another round of bullying?

"But I would let it slide because I want to kiss you so bad. I want to know the taste of my playtoy's lips." He whispered into my ears, bringing my attention to his well shaped lips. God, I was curious too.

For a moment, I was tempted to know what the feeling was like, kissing the son of our high and mighty lycan king.

"What do you think?" He asked me, withdrawing his face from the side of my face, staring at me intently now, his gaze dropping to my lips at intervals.

But I was silent.

Stupid me just stared at his lips and kept imagining how it would feel having his tongue in my mouth.

It would be my first kiss too, and I was beginning to think that letting Adam have it might not be a bad idea after all.

That's what his closeness did to me. It got rid of my common senses and reduced the weight of his numerous sins against me.