Shocking Dinner

"Maya, stop spacing out and eat." My mother mentioned, gesturing with the spoon in her hand to the pasta stuck in my plate.

I wasn't in the mood for pasta but of course I wasn't going to tell her that, not right here, to avoid my head getting screamed off.

But why hadn't she made my favourite though? She had promised that she would. What changed her mind? Did something happen?

I had noticed that she hadn't really spoken to me except for asking me now to come out for dinner, and replying to my greeting when she had stepped into the house with my father.

My father too, or rather my male carer, was the same. He hadn't spoken a word either. But I was okay with that. He wasn't a man of many words when it came to me.

"sure mom." I muttered, taking my fork and digging into the pasta which felt cloggy at one touch.

Mum was in a bad mood. I could tell by the imperfect meal that she just made. Her pasta was never clogged with water unless she was really angry.

What was going on? What had the lycan king say about me? What had been their final decision? The council I mean. Were they going to ban me from the pack?

Thoughts running tro and fro my head, made me drop the fork to the plate causing a slight clunking sound to echo across the dining room, and the three diners stared at me unabashedly.

"What is the problem, Maya? Don't you like the pasta? I am sorry that I couldn't make your favorite. It was just that…'' She was saying when Lilian interrupted her harshly.

"Mum, why bother about her?" Lilian asked. "She will be leaving very soon, after all. She is not worth the stress." My sister added, awestruck, the same state we are or we will be in the next two seconds, when my mother turned aside and landed a hot slap on her cheek.

My mother has never raised a hand on any of us. She must be really pissed off.

"How the hell did you grow up like this? Well, your father isn't really a good raising partner, is he?" She asked, not moved or remorseful when a tear slipped down from Lillian's left eye. Rather, she turned to my father and glared at him.

My old man never said a word, rather his head was bent low, his food forgotten at that moment.

He must be afraid to say something. I thought, remembering that in the afternoon while I had eavesdropped on them, my mother had mentioned she would leave him if he managed to chase me out of the house.

Was he afraid that she would make true of her words now? Was that why his mouth was clamped shut, even though his favourite daughter just got slapped because of the daughter whom he despises, whom he wishes to send away from his home? Well, that wasn't far-fetched. No one wants to live away from his or her mate.

My mother was still fuming and watching her heave in and out in anger, I could tell that she wanted my father to say something, anything that would spike up her rage the more.

I could tell that she wanted to pour her anger on him especially. Is my leaving affecting her this much? What am I even thinking? Of course she would be like this.

But where am I going? Was there a specific location or something? Or was I just exiled to pick up the pieces of my life, prey to other rogues? What was going on? My emotions were just all over the place.

The news wasn't really a good one but it wasn't entirely a bad one either. After all, I have always wanted to leave the pack to another place where I could live freely as any other being. And what better place than the city of humans.

When my father didn't give my mother what she was yearning for, she stood up briskly from her chair and walked out of the dining room.

"See what you have caused, bitch?" That was Lent.

He was glaring at me with thick hatred, but I wasn't pained by that either. I was already used to all these exhibitions.

I just shrugged my shoulders whilst keeping my tongue in check even as I stood up from the chair and started to walk off in the direction that mother had taken.

She was probably in her room, or in the bathroom. Whichever one it was, I was going to find her there. It was better to concern myself with that, than bother myself, replying Lent's statement which obviously made no sense.

How was I the cause of the outburst? Did I spike mother up with unruly statements? Of course not. Lilian had done that, all on her own, but I have to take the blame.

Damn him for being so stupid and biased.

Before I left the dining room entirely for the three haters of my life before bullies, I cast a last glance at the man called my father.

His head was still bent low, his shoulders drooped low too. I wondered what he was thinking about. If he was feeling a bit of remorse for how he had treated me the past years. I highly doubted that though. Or was he thinking of how to make it up with his mate? Well, whichever one wouldn't be easy.

I also caught a glimpse of Lilian just before I moved entirely to the passageway. She was still holding her cheek, still in shock, not even conscious of her environment, her food totally forgotten.

Well, I would be in the same state if I was her. As I had mentioned earlier, mother never raised her hand against any of us, not to mention her own daughter.

That slap had been a shock quite alright, but I liked it, so damn much. I just didn't like that mother was upset. But the slap, that was legit.