
The cafeteria was buzzing with hungry students as usual walking tro and fro finding their usual cliques to sit with on the round and square shaped tables.

But this time around, something was different.

They were all giving me side glances.

Hadn't they had their full of sly looks this morning? I wondered, still beside Naomi. We were walking toward the queue to get our own food.

"So…when are you going to meet him?" Naomi asked, bringing my attention to another topic that had taken residence in my head.

Since Adam had mentioned and planted the motion that he wanted to see me during the lunch break, I've been spacing out a lot, my thoughts especially wandering in the direction of the hot dream that I had of him this morning, just before he had stepped into the class.

Had the dream possess some kind of attractive composition about it that had enticed and made him to say that statement? Because I don't see why he would say something like that in front of the whole class, not minding that Claire was there with us.

It was obvious, well at least to me, by the look in his eyes that the last thing he wanted to talk about was some damn party. He wanted to kiss me, maybe even fuck me.

Would I let him? That is the question that has been brewing in my mind all this while. Would I let Adam fuck me?

"You have spaced out again. It is good that you are actually leaving. I don't know where your mind would be if you were actually still staying here. Adam would have really made a mess of you." Naomi mentioned, and for a second, I got annoyed that she would say something like that.

"Don't go giving me that face. I am the one that has been talking all this while and you keep ghosting or spacing out on me. What are you thinking, if it's not about Adam? Don't you lie to me. I know you like him more than you wish to. The guy is hot. I don't blame you. But don't sideline me because of that. Although, I am afraid that's what would have happened if you were staying longer. You would have sidelined me till he was done with you." Naomi said. She must have noticed the annoyed look earlier on my face then.

After her mild outburst which somehow had maintained that low octave of hers, I sighed, holding her by shoulder.

She was not pouting, just facing the other way. A sign that she was really annoyed with my occasional space outs. I

should get a grip on myself. I mused, hugging her suddenly to myself, surprising her and the other queue liners.

"I'm sorry, Naomi. It's just that this is the first time I am getting attention from a guy, who turns out to be Adam, one of the hottest boy that has ever lived, and it feels so surreal and overwhelming that I can't believe it sometimes. I imagine and re-imagine a lot, and then wonder if my life has really turned out to be better in a day since I met you-reasons for the spacing out-and I am so sorry about that. I really am. From now on, I promise not to space out again." I whispered into her ears, chuckling when she gave me a light jab on my stomach.

"You are forgiven then. Your forgiveness only stands though if you keep your side of the deal. Deal?" She asked.

"Yeah, deal." I answered.

"Good. Now, let's get some food and get out of here." She said, but then clicked her tongue as if remembering something.

"You know you never answered my question. Are you going to see him now or later?" She queried and I shrugged. "I don't know yet. Still contemplating."

There was a ruckus from behind us in the queue, and we turned around, I and Naomi, her mouth opening slightly in surprise when we saw Adam pushing his way forward. Adam never joins the queue. What was he doing here?

"Hey, Maya…I remember mentioning that you should meet me on the terrace during lunch break. Why are you here?" He asked me immediately when he got to me, his hands hidden in the front pockets of his black denim jeans.

"I..uuhh..just thought I would eat first." I replied, overcoming the stuttering madness.

"Don't worry about that. I already ordered for you. Let's go." He said, never taking his eyes off me. I gulped down saliva, letting my eyes roam everywhere but at him.

His gaze was making me mushy and uncomfortable. What sort of attention is this? As usual, the others in the cafeteria were looking at us.

I could see his brothers and their normal clique staring right at us.

Claire was huffing in anger, but she sat there, unable to do anything. But what could she do?


I liked that.

I felt a pinch on my elbow.

Naomi of course, reminding me that Adam was still waiting for an answer, not wanting to drag me out of here and answer a query to his father in case someone reported to the man that he was bullying me.

"Huhhh, okay..lead the way." I finally answered, inhaling deeply.

This was it.

Going into the unknown with Adam.