In The Holding Cell: A Dream

The confinement room smelled of disinfectant and spoilt cabbage, but it was just like Naomi had described it, not as bad as a dungeon.

I haven't been to the dungeon before, but I have heard the ghastly stories about it, stories I eavesdrop on whilst the others talk about it.

No one talks to me about these things, but dungeon is another word for filth and suffering just like the story books do justice to it.

There was a bed right in the middle of the room with a white bedsheet, just like Naomi had said. The room had double windows and there was a bathroom, small but neat for easing up oneself.

Well, Naomi was right. It was okay, just like a holding cell. I think I can survive here till the investigation result came out. I had faith in Adam that he wouldn't let me rot in the cell.