Meeting The Queen II

At the Queen's question, there was a notable silence, in which I believed that Peter and Laura were gathering genteel strength, checking if their earlier decision of keeping me was right, if I was worth the trouble of going against the queen, if they should have submitted me to the Queen first.

With the shadowed scared look on Laura's face, I actually said a little prayer for them. I didn't know the punishment for going against a queen's order, but from the way they were acting, the queen wasn't all smiles and happiness.

"Peter..??" The Queen called again, darting glances between the couple, wondering what was holding up the answer.

"Well.." she was talking now, probably deciding not to wait for their input. Bad if you ask me. "She can stay at Laude and …" she was still speaking when Peter cut her off guard with his sharp reply. But I noticed that he had looked at Laura hard and long before giving that reply.