At The Pack’s Party VI: Marriage Alliance

Noah straightened-he had bowed a bit when he had wanted to speak with Diana about his dissatisfaction with her.

An indescribable emotion fleeted past his eyes. He looked at me, this time more deeply as if accessing me, as if wondering if he had crossed paths with me in the past. The idiot didn't recognize my voice.

That's interesting. I thought, finding it comical. They really hadn't cared about me, they had really toyed with my feelings. They would pay though. The lot of them. They would pay.

"Do you know me? Have we crossed paths before?" He asked finally after beats had passed, folding his arms across his chest, peering down at me.

I scoffed in derision, and turned away from him, with Diana, not bothered at all to give him a reply. He didn't deserve one.

I was just about to leave the hall for some air, when the lycan king began to speak.