Drug Dependence

"So, you think that your boss is a young dude?" Diana asked whilst on our stroll.

I had asked her first if it was possible for magic to make someone younger, voice and all. She had nodded, but had admitted that she didn't know anyone in the community that did that. It's a banned magic actually, since it involves sacrifices of human blood to stay young.

I told her then of the call. She still finds it funny. She thinks that either I heard wrong, or the person speaking was the secretary, one of the assistants in the cafe I will be working in. Could that be so?

"But he sounded like the boss, a young boss." I said, not adding that the voice had sounded so gentle that I had wished to get a glimpse of the person speaking.

Patience young warlock, you are a worker there after all. I smiled at the thought, then frowned. What was I doing goofing over a man's voice? Seriously Maya, you don't ever learn, do you?