Home Sweet Home

Immediately we touched down to the community via teleportation, I quickly started down the road to the Peter's huts, glad that they had arrived at the same spot which we had taken off from.

"Maya, wait!" I heard Diana call, and faltered in my steps, coming to a total halt when she barreled into me.

"You couldn't wait for me? Why?"

"Well, I had thought that the queen would have need for the magicians of the community, seeing that you are a high class mage, just like you were required earlier." I answered, resuming walking, stopping again when I heard Raul call out to me.

What again? I wondered, turning around this time around, to look at the company of witches that were already dissembling, each heading to their houses. And then I saw Adam staring at me, even with Rachel in his arms, even with Rachel talking about whatnot.