
Because the beast's voice could be heard by all in the field, and maybe even outside of the field, I used magic to amplify my voice, so that everyone could hear me speak too. 

So, when the crowd erupted in mild shouts and mutterings at the previous words of the Queen, they echoed affirmations after mine; affirmations mixed with amusement at the nonchalancy in my voice and then anger at the Queen for breaking the laws that had been in place for many years. 

The beast obeyed. 

He turned his mighty head and stared at the Queen, whose hands were shaking. Out of nerves or shock or anger, I wasn't sure. But her cool composure was gone. 

"Well, to be fair to the Queen, she didn't call you out…"

 The beast grunted, in confusion I was sure, if the thinning of his eyes were anything to go by. 

"Who called me then? Only she has the power to call us out…"